
I will say this... I was cosplayer many years before I really knew there was a name for this. There weren’t a whole lot of us, and yes there were some aspects of being a black cosplayer that frankly made me feel pretty isolated... especially dealing with the way I was received and the ridiculous things that got said

If there are a lot of groups facing marginalization in an area, the solution is not to silence the first group that speaks out. The solution is to let them lead the way so the other marginalized groups eventually feel like they can speak out too.

“I also have it bad so acknowledging the struggles of others who have it bad it annoying.”

I’m going to assume that you, like me, are not a person of colour. I do not think it’s up to you or I to determine how someone who has to deal with racism everyday decides to escape that racism. And from what I’ve heard from at least places like Gaymer X no one stops anyone from going at least if they’re being

Meh. I’m 46 and I look that good in the right lighting. Wear sunscreen, kids.

See, even when Valve is ratted out as screwing their customers over, there are guys like you giving them "mad props" and even claiming their behaviour "should be an example to others". No. This is ridiculous. Do you also give "mad props" to murderers who enter "guilty" pleas at trial and praise them as shining

I refuse to applaud a corporation for its Brave Admission that it's been fucking its customers sideways and refusing to do things that all of its competitors have done better at for over a decade now, and its pledge that they'll totally try harder now, guys, seriously. They don't get shit until they've turned words

Yeah BBB is pretty corrupt, that being said, steam customer service is pretty bad.

Having sexual preferences is completely natural. Voicing them here the way you did was the creepy part. Creepy.

sir mix-a-lot has been briefed.

Almost ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thanks for your input. We'll file that under creepy overshare.

It depends on the workplace, so a word of caution to those with more strict work Internet usage is still valid. Then again, they probably shouldn't visit kotaku using their work computers anyways since there are times where the article picture is far more nsfw.

You're goddamn right, male Elsa, Johnny Bravo and Shaggy are WAY too sexualized. As a man, I'm offended as fuck.

I don't know if I'd be comfortable at work with the Velma or Lola on my screen. It's not saying it's porn or whatever, only literally "not suitable for work."

If you don't understand the caution **mildly NSFW**, then it wasn't intended for you. [Free Speech](

Actually, it's about exits in games journalism.

I'm waiting for someone to invent a game that sleeps with your mom if you try to pirate it.

Yes, but with Kickstarter you're not technically 'paying' for anything, you're making a donation. You're saying, "I like this idea, and they've convinced me to help them achieve their goal". There really is not much else to that. Pre-ordering is an alternative to buying the game regularly, the alternative to not