
Sometimes I have people unstar my comments because Kinja doesn’t show that they already starred it. It’s devastating.

You think you have it bad, once I wished that I had more than one star to give, and that was the end of that.

I can relate. One of the most upsetting and frustrating days in my life was when my Kinja followers dropped from 5 to 4

Since they know the end game, who knows? But you’re probably right and I can stop being worried about what would be a really stupid pairing that seems more like the standard TV trope that everybody has to pair up at the end. Provided Sansa lives (she will) it makes more sense to have her just decide to be like Queen

I can’t help but think Tormund would have more luck with Lady (make that Ser) Brienne if he would LEARN HER FUCKING NAME

“What? I am not Russian bot poster! I am as American as apple cake!”

Da, comrade!  Is good post.  Dasvedanya!

in what universe has he been vindicated? Only in the fever swamps of the wingnut universe, maybe. 

I actually said to my wife, “He can sing, he can fuck, he can fight now... is there anything Pod *can’t* do?”

This show has conditioned me to believe that any time anything significantly good happens to a character, they’re going to die.

The shot of Theon and Sansa doesn’t mean anything along those lines, since their whole relationship is show-only and thus cannot factor into her endgame.

Killing Dany and/or Cersei would qualify as “king”-slaying just as much as killing the Night King would.

Bran’s plan to act as bait combined with Arya’s weapon made me think that perhaps Bran will sever his own arm to lead the Night King to Arya (with Bran’s face), whereupon she reveals the weapon specifically designed to kill him.

Lyanna Mormont putting Ser Jorah in his place was     superb.

Yeah, a ton of great moments in this episode but that’s one that really hit. Especially after seeing what a great soldier Podrick has become with Brienne’s training.

I agree that Jaime’s redemption is one of the main stories of the series. I’ve been saying this for a few years now- I think Jaime is going to die killing the Night King. It will be the ultimate redemption, and it will turn his “Kingslayer” title from a shameful epithet to a legendary title. I just think the name

I hope this isn’t too much book-context, but so much of the story’s soul and moral standing comes from Jaime’s internal journey. Davos is already there. Brienne has a pure heart but she’s kind of on another planet. But we follow Jaime as he changes and there are long stretches where his redemption is the only thing

Maybe, but I’d really love for him to survive to kill Cersei.

The Brienne scene, man. Just so wonderful to see the show and the characters acknowledge that there’s no one more just, more honorable, and more compassionate than the big woman.

This episode was absolutely awesome, and it hit me like a brick that one of the underlying major themes of the show is the redemption of Jamie Lannister.