
I bought a car for the first time since I was 19 years old and my parents co-signed.  Nobody co-signed for this one.  It’s one of the most adult things I’ve ever done!

“how do you deal with someone who gives you the silent treatment?”

Sounds like you’re kinda answering your own question. If you’re feeling like you’re getting tired of his behavior, listen to your instincts, yeah?

Not only have you done the right thing, but you have waaaaaaay more than 10 more “good” years ahead! I know it’s rough, but realistically he wasn’t a good man - the fact that he would move mountains for others while only giving you a pick axe to move your own speaks volumes. Very proud of you doll! Now, time to find

So it took me quite some time but finally called it quits with my partner of almost 13 years. I knew it was the right thing to do but I’m still incredible sad and though it was definitely my choice I feel like bursting into tears at any moment.

She lacks the depth and the warmth to be called a cunt.

I’ve heard Seroquel can help with delusional behavior, you might want to check it out.

I’d call her a miserable cunt if it weren’t politically incorrect. Actually would call her a miserable fucking cunt, but such behavior is beneath me...

This is some of the worst trolling I've ever seen. -10/10, would not read again. 

Man, holy shit are the trolls out in force today.

this is what happens when no one around you slaps the shit outta you at least once for your bullshit... 

HRC is strollin’ free around Chappaquiddick, drinkin’ beers and walkin’ the dog and NOT BEING UNDER INVESTIGATION OR IN PRISON. Doesn’t that just kill you? I know it just kills you.

At what point are we allowed to mention that Pete Davidson is constantly being bullied and this is shitty? Duder is hella mentally ill and doesn’t seem like a bad person and I kinda hate the way he keeps getting publicly shit on and think he could legit kill himself as someone with two suicide attempts Of my own I

Dear Laura,

For not showing one ounce of contrition, she should spend some time in prison, thinking about what she's done. 

Is there some reason you would name a child “Rod”?

I pointed out on Splinter that he looks just like the humiliated but stoic political wives standing beside their husbands as they deliver a mea culpa for their sexual misbehavior (see Mrs. Sen Craig, Mrs. Gov McGreevey, and Mrs. Sen Vitter):

My favorite anti-abortion movie.

Eh, I don’t blame Kit for being mad. The dude catches a lot of flack for his acting, but to be honest, I’ve always found that he does the best he can with the writing he’s given, and I’m sure he’s giving the performances he’s being directed to give. The problem is that the writers don’t really know how to make his

“500 ml of Kristen Cavallari”?