
The comedians who use the n-word are black. you’re trying to say that white teenagers who listen to bad but offensive black comedians grow up to be white supremacists? Or that any teenager that listens to offensive black comedians become white supremacists. ?That’;s ridiculous. Where would white teenagers even be

if you’re talking about comedians you’re wrong. watching these comedy talent shows has only made me believe that there are so few actually funny comics working. Being funny is difficult. Very few people can pull it off. 

Louis CK was liked or loved because he was funny. No other reason. People laughed at his jokes. Ho could of did his act the same way but if people didn’t laugh he’d have been long forgotten by now.

To me it wasn’t. I just felt sad for her. If that scene is being played for laughs the director has something wrong with him. There’s nothing funny about someone in that state.

I remember thinking Unbreakable was boring when i first watched it but wanted to rewatch it before seeing Glass. decided to check it out of the library. apparantly about 80 people had the same idea so i am on a wait list behind like 60 people at the momnet. 

I saw this scene and her performance as more sad and pathetic and desiring pity than designed to elicit laughs. As you said; to each their own. 

I guess i was kidding. my evidence to the contrary is anecdotal.

Maybe not. but like i said to Paul (see below) i did not like the movie or think it was funny. I do think that coleman was playing it straight. os her role was dramatic, in my mind. 

That’s how i took it. then i didn’t like the movie or think it was funny. Coleman and Weisz are great in it though.

Not only should McAdams get nominated for Best Actress but Game Night should get nominated for Best Picture. How many of the other nominees will be able to say they provided such an enjoyable movie watching experience?

Gaga was fine but after the scene when she overcame her stage fright she was basically just being herself.

didn’t know it was blocked constitutionally. that sucks because i don’t believe in taxing behaviors in order to eliminate the behaviors. for instance, smoking. the taxes only punish the poor/working class people who smoke because they still smoke but lose more of their to taxes. 

John Gotti didn’t commit the crimes for which he was convicted of either. however, they were committed on his behalf so he still went to prison. That’s how Mueller got Gotti and how he is trying to get Trump. He only needs a Trump version of Sammy Gravano to put the final nail in the coffin. 

Their incomes are over inflated to compensate fore the high cost of living. Then when they leave CA they demand higher incomes than the local norm then overpay for homes because they seem cheap to them, thereby driving up the cost of living for locals. 


No. it means don’t take on debt. 

so instead of making your local public schools better you will find the already good school to send your child to? Cool. but you don’t get to call yourself a liberal or a progressive. 

Don’t tax them ban them. A tax won’t help. smart people find ways around tax laws. 

your private school experience was great because the people that ran it weeded out the undesirables. And here you are bragging about their highly discriminatory admission standards. Private schools perpetuate the class system and income inequality. You and your former school are elitist stuck-up scum who are part of

No they aren’t. And maybe their parents are better off financially because they learned how to use money properly.