
Teenagers being in debt is never okay. it teaches them that’s it’s ok to buy things they can’t afford and sets a bad precedent. 

Because this post is about Islam and Islam only?

The year after? You’re counting on Trump getting reelected?

it’s $31/hr for only the hours you work. school days are not 8 hours long, school years are not 52 weeks long and subs don’t get called every day. a full work wek is only 35 hours and that;s if you work everyday. 

even if they get 40 hours a week it still works out to only 44,000 per year, which is ok money where I live but in CA means you still need a second form of income even of you are single. and the sub from the post said she didn’t get called at all during December so that 31/hr probably is for like 30 hours a week on

because charter schools leech off of public schools, using their biuldings for instance. plus they only take the well behaved students who also perform the highest. they don’t have to take any student who lives in the district live public schools do.

the super wealthy know what thye are doing. they have no allegiance to anything but their own wealth and influence and will not care who takes up the mantle of keeping the income gap where it is. They don’t need a large group of young people to be educated enough to take over. just a small percentage. the private

No. Trump will bring in Erik Prince’s private goon squad to protect him who will then refuse to leave when the shutdown is over.

And yet women everywhere continue to go out of their way to make things organized and nice for men. Why do they still bother?

Young men are worthless assholes. no doubt about that. 

The hinky thing is the shutdown. 

The problem i have with musicals is the music. The music tends to ruin what are usually good stories. Maybe Spielberg will do something “edgy” and cut the songs. 

Who’s the “we” in “we are so fucked” Paul? Certainly not you. You will not be doing the fighting if we invade/attack Iran. You won’t be in danger. An attack on Iran will give you something else to act sanctimonious and blog about.

So a random person on twitter criticizes or makes fun of a public figure and she’s the victim? she started it. you don’t want people hitting back don’t pick fights with them. 

Maybe worse. Haven’t seen Mnemonic since its release but this is a solid D- like AA gave it. 

No. This is a so bad it should not have been released. I saw it today. It is awful like Dowd said. The story is rushed. The science isn’t really explained. The acting is terrible. Reeves has never been worse. The scenes where he’s crying after his family dies are funny due to how bad Reeves is.

It’s an act and Clinton was great at it. Obama had a different but equally effective line of bs. 

What’s the difference between these 20 “boring white guys” and Paul Blest? Those “boring white guys” have actually accomplished things. And accomplished them out in the open where they’ve had to compete with other people. Unlike Blest who is well...just someone who blogs. Who does nothing but feels he is entitled to

I agree that Ben has not stepped up in big games and that he is part of the reason that the Steeler have underachieved the last six years but he is the reason they have been as good as they have been since 2010. Tomlin is a shit coach and BR has made him look better than he really is. 

When was the last time a player had objects thrown at him? 1979 and Dave Parker?