So, what’s left of the Commentariat, what are y’all’s verdict on this? Generally Ryan Murphy starts really strong but loses everything by the halfway point. Last season was just shit from the word go, though.
So, what’s left of the Commentariat, what are y’all’s verdict on this? Generally Ryan Murphy starts really strong but loses everything by the halfway point. Last season was just shit from the word go, though.
Best Sunday talk line I heard this weekend:
Nope. And neither can you make your profile private so people can’t see where and what you’ve posted elsewhere and, in theory, keep them from stalking you on different sites.
Still think “The Name Game” moment in AHS: Asylum is one of the high points of the series. It is intentionally campy, yes, but it is simultaneously a pitch dark reflection of how disconnected the character has become from reality. The endless musical numbers in Freak Show never quite hit that balance.
Politics Corner - It’s DACA Decision Eve edition. Multiple thoroughly sourced reports indicate Trump is planning to announce an end to DACA tomorrow, with a 6 month delay to give Congress an opportunity to extend it through legislation. Given that 70% of Americans support DACA, and many prominent GOP legislators have…
Nah. I would be happiest if his presidential run left him so in the red that he and everyone with any connection with him would be beyond ruined. Like how you have the “Midus’ touch” where everything a particular person touches turns to gold or at least makes money, I want “Trump’s grope,” to mean to be so poisonous…
This is something often said about Pedro Almodóvar. That his response to the aftermath of the Franco dictatorship was to never revisit any of it in his films. Never mention it. Never allude to it. Never allow it to repress him or his work, ever again. Not give even dead Franco this satisfaction.
When shit hits the fan and he finally falls, I hope it’s just so deeply humiliating, so totally devastating to his ego and his psyche, that he never recovers. I don’t want us to hate him, I want us to forget him. I want us to erase him. That would be the best and most fitting punishment for inflicting himself on the…
None of you fools recognize a good ol’ fashion Covfefe when you seen one?
Did anybody actually watch the video of that insane clusterfuck in the Oval Office? The one where some chanting preacher was dramatically invoking Jesus’ name and thanking God for Trump and Pence and for giving the President the wisdom to call for a national day of prayer, and a woman appeared to be weeping,…
I don’t really care about this. But let me take this opportunity to blatantly shill remind everyone (or at least any new Kinja readers who might not know) that there is already an excellent musical on TV: Galavant Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. That is all. Any guesses on whether TV Club will still cover it weekly?
Remember that kid from college who got really into jazz and would NOT shut up about it? He’s a famous Hollywood director now.
This video has triggered a memory of having an action figure with a removable face just like Oscar did. My brother and I were big fans of the show back then, so maybe that’s what it was...
Factoring inflation and value it would be the $38,424,190.98 Man
I admit it. I read this on a news crawl this morning and thought it was Richard Dean Anderson.
And this is when I always have to chime in, jump up and down, flail my arms about, and yell “JUSTIFIED!” Also under-appreciated, also very very relevant to our current political climate, also FX, and possibly even better than the Americans. Oh how happy I was when they were both on the air...
Love it! I just realized that I’ve never talked about this show IRL with anyone because none of my friends watch it. I usually have to be content with the NYT recaps - incidentally there are some very perceptive commenters over there as well.
Love the show so much. I never saw Keri Russell in anything, really,before The Americans and now I love her. I mean, I’m terribly afraid she might drop a car on me, but I love her.
They are insanely hot together. Their chemistry...