
She was awarded for her medical bills, that coffee was well into dangerous temperatures and caused third degree burns on 6% (eta actually it may have been 16%) of her body. It almost killed her. She was in the hospital for 8 days and needed skin grafts. She originally asked for her medical bills but they refused.

However long it takes for a case to get public attention.

Her attitude appears to be “there is no such thing as rape when alcohol is involved”, yet somehow also, “the choice of women and girls to drink alcohol causes rape.”

Yep. This is one of the big problems I’ve always had with Yoffe. She absolutely crucifies women for doing completely reasonable reporting measures after assault. I can never quit understand what Yoffe and her fans want women to do, other than never drink or leave their homes.

Great article, Anna.

You just #notallmen’d this and also made it 100% about you. You might want to re-read that bit about “how to be a good ally” in the 101 feminism handbook.

That’s one the reasons I’m glad Stoya spoke out about this particular incident. An individual consenting to a BDSM relationship doesn’t mean her or she has consented all possible sexual interactions.

As someone who was abused by a prominent member of the BDSM community and deleted my social media accounts because I couldn’t handle seeing him praised as a “feminist”, I’m awed by Stoya’s bravery. I hope she gets all the support she deserves.

It’s just savvy marketing.

Well, yeah, that’s the entire Gamergate platform in a nutshell.

The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.

That’s her point- those opinions are fucking dumb and unsolicited. Just posting a picture of her cereal is NOT a solicitation for public comment.

Your kid doesn’t wanna play those games, kids wanna play what they see on TV.

C’mon. I can have a raging ladyboner over P&P and still not want to give myself pneumonia wearing a wet tissue-paper-thin dress.

Yes, it’s very well documented that although they once dated, they are actually BFFs now. I’m not sure what the above comments are complaining about.

When is Evan Peters finally just gonna realize that Emma is basic as fuck and he is actually meant to be my one true love? Geeze. Kid has really gotta get his life together.

Is anyone else sick of the hatred towards Kanye? The guy gets backlash anytime he states his opinion and I’m just so sick of it.

Ronda is currently dating alleged domestic abuser Travis Browne, hangs out with convicted rapist Mike Tyson, is a Sandy Hook truther, described a transgendered woman as “chopping her pecker off,” and referred to Cris Cyborg as an it...but yeah, she’s cool!

Ahh but language is a constantly evolving and responsive thing! Much to the chagrin of grammar nerds everywhere. Where would we be if people told Shakespeare to stop making up words?

It’s amazing how incest and the molestation of FIVE girls was no problem, but adultery, THIS is where they draw the line.
