It could have led to an interesting conversation about how women are judged for their appearance even when running for president. Instead, he pooh pooh the question and doesn't take it seriously.
It could have led to an interesting conversation about how women are judged for their appearance even when running for president. Instead, he pooh pooh the question and doesn't take it seriously.
He’d have to view these as serious issues, first. He doesn’t.
I guess I’m in the minority here, but I thought it was a great question. Why is Hillary’s appearance scrutinized while yours isn’t? He missed an excellent opportunity to discuss the bias against women candidates and the way the media talks about their hair, their pantsuits, calls them grandmothers instead of…
Sanders completely missed the point of the question, while contributing to the problem. Awesome. I don’t get why people like him.
Obama IS center-right.
For the last time: HILLARY HAS THE FUCKING SECRET SERVICE. Her events are screened much more than any other candidate. And why would you get angry that she actually sat down with BLM and held a conversation with them? That makes no sense. So your issue doesn't even seem to be about the way they did it, it seems to be…
Thanks, this confirms what I suspected. That even the “false” reports rate we see is overinflated.
Clarification, please: The 2-8 percent of false allegations. The author writes definitively that these are cases where the accuser knowingly accused an innocent person. Is that true?
THIS. So much. I wondered if I was the only person who actually read TKAMB to begin with, because it’s right there in the text.
Yeah that might fly if she hadn’t sued Howard University for discrimination and claimed it was because she was white. This wasn’t when she was 5 years old, she was applying for a teaching assistant job at Howard. So her story changes to suit the questions being asked.
Oh for fuck’s sake already with that “best actress for the part” bullshit. Fuck off, source working on the Peter Pan remake.
A narrative doesn’t need to be complete for it to be judged. That’s a stupid line of reasoning — you can just a television episode on it’s own or as part of a narrative without that narrative being complete. It happens all the time.
Thank you: “The problem isn’t that this episode included a rape, but that it did so in the service of bad storytelling. It told the audience nothing that wasn’t already known, and it didn’t advance any plot lines beyond where they already were.”
Jackson’s “flaws”: orchestrating the Trail of Tears. We basically put a genocidal maniac on our currency.
He weighs like 150 pounds and people got used to his wonky wind up. So they started hitting him. He also doesn't throw in the mid-high 90s anymore. I think the only small pitcher that was able to keep up velocity for a long time was Oswalt. Everyone else seems to flame out after a few years.
I mean if it was EXACTLY reversed - with the wife knowing and coming to terms with it, I don't think he'd get crucified by the commenters here.
Or hell, as someone else here suggested, make it an hour long. That might help?
They are becoming the face of the "gamer" though.
This April, Tori Amos—patron saint of '90s female self-actualization—is reissuing Little Earthquakes and Under the…