If this trend continues, expect Ted Cruz and Retta to find themselves in Twitter beef next.
If this trend continues, expect Ted Cruz and Retta to find themselves in Twitter beef next.
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Not sure if it’s the most efficient way to invest in sorely needed U.S. infastructure, but glad the Lakers are doing their part in laying pipe from Cleveland to Los Angeles.
How much truth can a Chuck Todd chuck if a Chuck Todd could chuck truth?
Yabbo Trenches is the name of my new Ska band.
I don’t even have big yabbos and this is a must.
Moobs Like Jagger
“I think it’s the parents who have to grow up.”
I will never stop laughing at the “acid wash” thing. His brain is literally pudding.
If he were to try to overtake the government history would record it as “The Little Douche Coup”
It’s the centrists just wanting to feel safe again in the arms of good ol’ Uncle Joe, rather than in the “grab them by the pussy” mini- hands of cheetohead. People who are already otherwise secure in their lives and low-key despise poor people but want to be able to check out again like under Obama. If you like the…
The Republican Party should just replace all of their senate seats with Ken dolls, they’ll all look the same, and the lack of genitals will help them to eat their own asses.
Finally, a rich guy version of getting your calculator to spell BOOBIES.
So federal employees who are supposed to remain neutral in public are allowed to say or do whatever the hell they like in partisan politics, while black football players/celebrities/public citizens/etc should shut the fuck up.
As the patron saint of the Cult of the GM that’s been arguably the bane of sports analysis for the past 30-odd years since fantasy sports became a thing*, Branch Rickey, said, “Luck is the residue of design.” The Raptors were fortuitously placed to catch the lucky breaks that came their way, but it’s that “placed”…
Needs more Sweet Baby Ray’s
it sounds great on paper!
Jon Stewart is a national treasure.
Maybe take it easy on the celebrating after, oh I don’t know, the 6th or 7th goal?