That idea sucks.
That idea sucks.
Usually dicks take up two parking spaces, so this one should be considered polite.
If we are going to talk F1 engine noises, there’s only one video worth watching, and while it’s hard to pick a favorite, I think the introduction of the 1996 F310 is the one that does it for me.
Driven monthly. Period.
Awesome. That reminds me, I need to pick up some Mother’s wax and car wash soap....
I mean, that’s actually pretty rad. It’s an easily accessible thing on your wrist which serves a real purpose for the fun stuff that you do. Functional objects rule!
A well deserved COTD. Congrats, Muttons!
That’s funny because I’m already tired of these terrible looking trucks.
Maybe if he was just a floor worker. But a supervisor? He should’ve been fired immediately after saying that. Nobody that thinks that way (especially to the point he feels comfortable just blurting it out) has any business supervising people. There’s no way you can trust him to treat all the workers equally.
I’m in the minority here- I’m excited to see this season.
I couldn’t bear to watch all of that video. It was such a grizzly sight; the polar opposite of what I thought that animal could do. I hope more people don’t see this Kodiak moment, as it might cause a panda-monium.
Nice price or crack pipe
WOw. Just did the Abarth school that came with purchase of my Spider in March. Amazing facility.
Agreed, Chuck is a primary source, Jeremy is a secondary source. 4th grade writing class everyone, that shit’s important.
I met Chuck Yeager (he lives by my parents) and he is an all around awesome dude. Still sharp, and has stores of being a pilot during the war that will give you goose bumps.