
Could be North baby talking. Could be Kim misspelling.

I find it very... weird how eager her parents are to do interviews and stuff

If I could redo my career I’d probably be in porn, BUT my back-up redone career would be a lawyer that travels around the country suing the ever loving fuck out of the government for fucking up.

I agree that one should always be respectful of places/things that are deemed sacred by the local culture. That being said this is a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. I find it appalling that this group was punished because the locals think their nudity led to the earthquake. To repeat, the local

Yes. Far too simplistic to say that most steaks just need salt and pepper. That is of course true, IF you like the basic flavor of MOST steaks. And there’s a lot to be said for that, honestly. But I don’t think most people like those cuts for just that flavor. It’s interesting, it’s just often not what most people are

I feel the same way. I shave too. Body hair is gross. People can say it’s natural, but so is going to the bathroom.

Ilium was my first Dan Simmons and actually my favorite (shh). I’m so glad to hear the Sparrow sequel is good, I just finished the first one this week and picked up Children of God yesterday (I didn’t know it existed til then!) with low expectations (that way I don’t get let down). I thought of Ilium quite a bit when

I call BS. All 4 of them are worth reading, many many times. I just picked up Endymion again last week. For the 6th or so time. In my opinion this is some of the best science fiction of all time.


What do you call the sensation that is a combination of SHIT IN YOUR PANTS EXCITEMENT and SHIT IN YOUR PANTS CONCERN?

This sounds less like an article and more like a chat you should be having with your dad.

If you can’t start with “love” then everyone who does love will beat everyone who “likes” or “hates”. This is a rule of the universe. The first humans who crossed the arctic tundra from Siberia to Alaska in -60 degree temperatures had to love it. The rest stayed in the East Africa Savannah.

It is really amazing how many things just sort of “click” on re-reads. :D

I remember watching that episode and nearly had to be resuscitated when the guy jumped on the same keyboard, I was laughing so hard. It could only have been funnier if one of them had said, “you take the vowels and I’ll do the consonants.”

Yes. GRRM has taught us that unless it is a “confirmed death” no one is really 100% dead. The Hound is another example of this.


Instead of cutting back on TV movies, I wish they would cut back on "reality" shows. There are too many reality shows on air in general and way too many on SyFy. I don't tune in to SyFy for reality, I tune in to SyFy for science fiction/fantasy. If I want to see reality, I can just see that any day of the week just

Yay for Hyperion being made into a movie. Gak for it being done by Cooper. "The Hangover" was, hands-down, the worst movie I've ever subjected my brain to watching. I sat through an hour of it before turning it off, without laughing once. And it bumped the previous #1 worst movie, "Be Cool", way off the list.

If you're someone who writes, then reading Hyperion (the first one, at least) will make you furious. That's how good it is.