You’d probably be better off watching the last 152 minutes of Tommy Morrison’s life.
You’d probably be better off watching the last 152 minutes of Tommy Morrison’s life.
Justin: If you don’t grow facial hair, don’t grow facial hair.
Didn’t have the sound on while watching this clip, but this movie looks like it might be pretty good with a fart reel.
He was thinking that at best his team gets the ball and at worst they give up 20 yards of field position to a team that at that point had punted 4 times....
These are the 20 most brilliant military images I found around these wonderful intertubes this week. Not only do…
I facepalm everytime I hear these suggestions to put wet things on me to cool down. I live in the northeast. It’s like 90 percent humidity at night, often 80+ degrees at the same time. I’ll probably just be hot and wet and it will take forever for anything to actually dry out.
Are you kidding it? I’m LOVING it. Fox News comments right now are more fun pages full of captioned cats. Look at some of these gems!
No, this means we are all being forced to gay marry!!!
The Hot Octopuss Pulse II is billed as the world’s first “guybrator”, and claims to be fun to use flaccid or erect.…
Both the police and newspapers are wrong in their actions and I too would take legal action against the police for their unjust treatment.
Could be North baby talking. Could be Kim misspelling.
I find it very... weird how eager her parents are to do interviews and stuff
If I could redo my career I’d probably be in porn, BUT my back-up redone career would be a lawyer that travels around the country suing the ever loving fuck out of the government for fucking up.
I agree that one should always be respectful of places/things that are deemed sacred by the local culture. That being said this is a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. I find it appalling that this group was punished because the locals think their nudity led to the earthquake. To repeat, the local…
Yes. Far too simplistic to say that most steaks just need salt and pepper. That is of course true, IF you like the basic flavor of MOST steaks. And there’s a lot to be said for that, honestly. But I don’t think most people like those cuts for just that flavor. It’s interesting, it’s just often not what most people are…
I feel the same way. I shave too. Body hair is gross. People can say it’s natural, but so is going to the bathroom.
If you can’t start with “love” then everyone who does love will beat everyone who “likes” or “hates”. This is a rule of the universe. The first humans who crossed the arctic tundra from Siberia to Alaska in -60 degree temperatures had to love it. The rest stayed in the East Africa Savannah.
Yay for Hyperion being made into a movie. Gak for it being done by Cooper. "The Hangover" was, hands-down, the worst movie I've ever subjected my brain to watching. I sat through an hour of it before turning it off, without laughing once. And it bumped the previous #1 worst movie, "Be Cool", way off the list.
If you're someone who writes, then reading Hyperion (the first one, at least) will make you furious. That's how good it is.