
I am a white nurse and I agree 100%. I see coworkers’ unacknowledged racism and sexism daily. It affects patient care in a million different ways, none of them good. I sometimes wonder if people are this terrible to each other everywhere or if Americans are particularly stupid and vile.

That movie gives me hope. I always cheer because I fucking hated Nixon and his fascist minions.

Is that his wife, the spitting cobra?

There’s not much news about therm. I can’t believe the magistrate issued an arrest warrant.

You bring popcorn, I’ll bring the champagne!

We will and all our kewl friends will be there.

They’re in their 90s. I got the feeling they didn’t hear him. I was offended and enraged. What a low class creep.

Larry Wilmore was right-the last election was all about the UnBlackening of the White House.


I wish all the media would abstain from attending. It’s revolting and antidemocratic behavior. If the press valued its First Amendment rights it would boycott this freaking party on principle.

We should all show up with our fold up chairs and eat bags of popcorn. Treat that perp walk like the glorious preview it will be to the trials of the century (tm)

Is she Southern or Midwestern?

The “real”WHCD may be as sparsely attended as the Inaugural was.

Second amendment, man!

In the Middle Ages villages would go to war over which of their patron saints was the more powerful, was more beloved by G-d. To put a stop to these shenanigans the Pope introduced the Equal Saints Amendment (like the title? I made the name up. In real life it’s something stuffy and in Medieval Latin that I cannot

Absolutely. Rep. Waters is a threefer-Black, female, and “mouthy”. If I’ve learned anything during the last election, it’s how thin skinned some white people are about anyone who looks different from their idea of “normal” who calls them on their bullshit. That there are men out there who are this angry and dismissive

Says you.

Damn, I missed all the good times.

A woman in line at Costco today had 22 pumpkin pies and 8 giant cans of whipped cream on her cart. We were all jealous. I think everyone in line tried to invite themselves to her Thanksgiving dinner