
If Trump colluded with the Russians, that contaminated everyone associated with his campaign, especially his VP. Pence has no right to the office if Trump goes down.

I work with elderly patients. People with mental illnesses often just sorta slide from certain disorders straight into dementia or Alzheimer’s. With Trump, I think he’s running on a sort of “muscle memory,” that is, His habits of a lifetime -as in,projecting, lashing out, selling out his supporters- are carrying him

I have never seen ruder, more in-your-face cops than the US Customs officers on the US-Canadian border. I think they were such losers they were sent as far from the home office as possible. They accused me of trying to sneak into the US and treated me like a serial killer-drug kingpin-pedophile. Sheesh. I was in my

Not to mention the school to prison pipeline in most areas with large population of minorities. Take kids with untreated or recognized psych/social/medical issues and put them in underfunded schools and you will find few kids escape the poverty and dysfunction. You had a couple of kids who had access to guns and who

I read during the campaign that he described himself as an evangelical Catholic. The article I read didn’t really go into it much more than that.

They have two policy positions and prescriptions for every problem: lower taxes for rich white men and no regulations for wealthy corporations. There are just some things we do not discuss in public, dear.

They let Trump pick because the Repulsives have all been bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers, Adelson, etc. This cabinet is a supply sider’s wet dream. The 1 % won’t be able to carry all the loot they’re stealing from the public pocket. They’ll have to import Mexicans to help them carry it all home.

Seriously! Either a live boy or a dead girl, as they say in Washington. I’m guessing bestiality or pedophilia. The Repulsives are so concerned that everyone who sees a homosexual will decide bestiality is okay. Most dirty minded people on the continent are the extremely religious prigs. He has the iciest vibe, he

Third person in line of succession is the Speaker of the House.

Details and photos!

He’s a meat sack, a human shield that absorbs all the bullets and blame. Behind the shield is the Hero-Mike Pence! White! Anti LGBT before it was cool! Evangelical Catholic (party of one)! Anti Choice! Anti BC! Male ! Blander than midwestern food! A dandy looking Nazi!

The Repulsives and their Horde, the Evngelicals and the Fundies, scare the bejebus out of me. Mohammed and Martin Luther were both initially friendly with the Jewish communities. After each failed at converting their Jewish neighbors, they became outspoken antisemites. The reason the Prophet’s tomb was built on the

Yeah, the Donald projects out loud. You know when he accuses someone of any transgression, I know it’s because he is either guilty of doing the same or worse or he’s thought about doing it. I am sure he and his minions discussed using easily manipulated people to stage false flag violence at his rallies. He is such a

Yes, by getting their faces busted by bikers and the klan for Cheetoh.

Synagogues, except the very Orthodox or Hassidic, generally only have a few dozen members on Friday nights and maybe 50 at Saturday morning services in a Reconstructionist or Conservative shul (Temple/Synagogue) with a membership of 300 or so members. I’ve always been greeted by members whenever I have travelled and

I am rewatching JP so you just made me laugh.