SD3 was one of the biggest games for me when I was super in to emulation. It had a great fan translation, and the game was just so damn good. I think I might have played that more than any other emulated game. I wasn’t even that big of a fan of SoM, but I just loved everything about SD3. Fun characters, good branching…
That’s a very legitimate reason, for sure.
I’m actually the complete opposite - I find that in first person you get a much better immersion and can actually notice all the small details in the environment - Like looking at a graffiti from up close, or even just looking at the rabble on the road - everything can feel so much more personal and immersive.
I trust CD to do a good job as a whole piece but I’ll never get why people put character visual customisation in games where you can’t see the bloody character.
I actually don’t care about your opinion, I just like making you write essays for me.
The only thing awful about Dragons Dogma is that after 40 hours I ran out of stuff to do.
They definitely blow Andromeda out of the water.
I agree with everything in the article, but I still place this game as my new GOAT. Why? Because a team of 25 showed more ambition and put together a game that, really if it had the staff of each or bioware, would blow anything out of the water.
ambitious RPGs with good world-building
So glad to read this. I hate/love this game so much it’s insane.
Well, I’ve put a ton of hours into the game myself, and I’m loving it. Though I have yet to experience any crashes or lag. So I’m not sure what’s up with that. Maybe you need to check your system? Mine’s about a year old now, and it runs it just fine.
Playing on PC. 1080p/120 maxed out. Looks pretty good, nothing super amazing. Their game worlds are usually overwhelming, which is part of the charm. Clunky and enjoyable. Jetpack works well sometimes until the enemy has a ranged weapon. I use the creatures of the world to help fight for me as well, I just have them…
Well, Obsidian are my favourite developer, and it kinda sounds like the compromises you have to make to enjoy this are exactly the same sorts of compromises as you have to make to have Obsidian as your favourite developer, so... I’m in, I guess?
I’m actually inclined to disagree with a good campaign. Most of my opinions are covered by Waypoint’s article that in short believes the opposite of everything Luke says, down to even thinking Jakku was the peak of the game, but I feel I must stress how much the plot needed more time for Iden’s change of sides to feel…
Nioh takes a lot of liberty with its historical setting but still maintains a large cast of famous warlords,…
The actress is nude all over the movie to different degrees ranging from brutally raw newly born to titillating commercial, but there isn’t any nudity in the sex scene. It’s different, is what the commenter meant.
I safely assume that it seems you haven’t played either game, so to clarify; it was a simple mistake from Bashcraft. It is most definitely Seiken Densetsu 2, ie. Secret of Mana.
I enjoyed it at launch (I only read up on some stuff a few weeks before it came out, everyone basically agreed that it would be relaxing, which was more than enough for me). It was not disappointing. It sounds as though it is incredibly enticing now. The game is an audiovisual masterpiece. Now that it has the improved…