
Thanks I'm aware of that but, when you read British news, they use Asians to refer to people from the Subcontinent and not East Asians. They specify the type of East Asian when written, i.e., Chinese, Korean, Thai, etc…

True. Decades years ago when I started to travel the world, I noticed these skin whitening products advertised in the Far East and Subcontinent…I was like, how whiter looking can some Koreans, Chinese and Indians look…I believe the goal was porcelain-looking skin…

Well it's weird, when in the British Isles, Asian means Asian Indian or someone from the subcontinent, in the US, Asian usually refers someone of East Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.) background…

People always say how Hollywood is liberal…quite the contrary, based on actions and most of the junk that comes from there, Hollywood is probably is probably one of the most conservative institutions in the US…they are at least 1-2 generations behind when it comes to representing America of today…

It's on Roku and XBox One…

If you don't like acting or being a part of the "Hollywood Experience" and all that comes with it, i.e., fame, fortune, screaming fans, etc., don't bite the hands that feed you, so scram out of the kitchen…

C'mon, gotta love McDs…

Jealous much???

The writing and acting is excellent on this show. Yes, the violence can be extreme at times but it matches real life. Who'd thunk that Netflix would become such a major powerhouse in producing such high-quality shows? Touche…

Von Sydow's Flash is just one of my all time favs along with Dune. Both movies had so many quotables…"Really Aura, your appetites are too dangerous, I refuse…" (Flash)…"The Sleepers have awaken…" (Dune)…

Yep. I saw her in an interview the other day and she's very milfy…