
It makes sense if you go to a ballgame and notice that there are more people of color on the field than in the stands. MLB knows where their money is at.

Who would have thought? Racists in Wisconsin.

Clint Bowyer’s 2009 07 Jack Daniel’s car. Obvious favorite for me.

Thank you. That was informative.

Older Hondas are easy to steal. The sad part of this story is that someone probably needed that car for cheap reliable transportation and was unlikely to have other than liability insurance.

I thought cappelletti was some kind of pasta.

So you don’t like Kirk Cousins now?

That looks way good to me. Excepting the broccoli.

I prefer to have Thanksgiving dinner where I can wear sweat pants. I’m there to eat.

I agree with you in principle, but I like sick spot on humor and damn that’s funny.

It a good time for kids to practice their ‘company manners’. Please,thank you, helping elderly relatives to their chairs,etc.

I made six greens in a row this morning then thought wow that was clean and jinxed myself.

My take is to stay away from vegetables that can’t be cleaned mechanically or otherwise such as romaine lettuce,spinach and broccoli. Even if you grow them in your own garden can you be sure some passing dog or cat didn’t mark their territory.

My take is to stay away from vegetables that can’t be cleaned mechanically or otherwise such as romaine lettuce,spinach and broccoli. Even if you grow them in your own garden can you be sure some passing dog or cat didn’t mark their territory.

I wish I had scrolled by this one.

Looks  like there was an accident.

 After the Detroit game and finish before halftime of the Dallas game is about right in the west.

Whats are little things like torture and murder between friends? Especially since he was a journalist.

I don’t need a physician to check out my joy glans.

Shit I thought people weren’t watching the games because they won’t hire Kaepernick.