
How so? Being bothered by hate speech is supposed to be a good thing.

Kind of pisses me off that Bay gets a pass for Pain & Gain. It was turned off in my home after two horrible moments of misoginy and fat shaming in the first five minutes.

I love Vin Scully. I grew up in StL, and I look forward to the LA trip every year, where I can watch my team and listen to Vin. Even my wife admitted last night was a great game and really fun listening to Vin.

This fog has been strange, and it's still here. I've never seen fog last this long in Chicago before, and certainly never this thick. It's been strange, but I've been enjoying it.

Ok, perhaps time to start saving. I do already have a macbbok as our primary machine, so there's no rush to get a tablet.

Kindle Fire vs ipad. Any thoughts?

Contra? You can't beat fucking Contra? It's one of the easiest games ever. I could beat that with my eyes closed.

I'll be very, very skeptical about S2, until I'm proven wrong. I know the writer is coming back, but if I'm not mistaken the director and cinematographer are not. The series of course had great characters, and a very good script, but to me the way it was shot it what really elevated the material. Personally I'm

Yeah, great movie. Saw that during my phase of "let's see everything with a Wu-Tang connection." Obviously Shaolin Assassin needs to be on that list. There are others I was never able to find.

Wow, never new that story, thanks. It does explain the disjointed tone a bit.

Overall, Drunken Master is a much, much better movie than DM2. 2 has the epic final battle and stunt work, but the comedy, fighting, mood and pacing of the first are superior.

My main question is if the league can usurp the team and take it over, or just force a sale. If Sterling just has to sell, $500 million could be quite the consolation prize.

Were they wearing nickname jerseys or something? I saw Plumlee as Plums. Then a guy leaving the court near LeBron had a J. Shuttlesworth, which of course os the "He Got Game" character.

It would vary state to state. In IL, for example, public employees can organize through 'card check.' This means the union card is your vote, and a majority on cards is all you need. For private colleges and states without card check , union cards get you the right to a secret ballot election.

That was a hard call, terrible first round matchup. The real outrage should be Baba at an 8, should be a 2.
Guac is damn near the single thing I would put above Baba.
I absolutely love baba, but who amongst us can resist a good guac.

That's not a Chicago thing, nor was it the angle thay day. Dude may have even liked it.

I let a friend talk me into doing a shot with him at his bachelor party. It was thoroughly gross. I think he kept trying to say it was something I had to try at least once since we live in Chicago he was incorrect, I did not need to try it. No one should try it.

My wife makes great Bloodies (can't eait until sunday!). Pretty similar to what you say here. There's lemon, worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce. No horsey sauce, but she might like that.
One thing she adds not on your list: clam juice. Just a tablespoon at most. I can't say exactly what it does, I just know I enjoy

Excuse me, if you're speaking of the Springfield Hilton, please refer to it by it's official name - the Penis on the Prairie.

We may have to have words about mexican food. I havent ventured much into the southwest territory of the US, so I can't compare, but I love our mex food. I think it's pretty damn authentic too. I would take a pepsi-challenge with any fucking city and their mex food, esp with Rick Bayless leading the way.