
Many people in the know think that about Adam Eaton. I haven’t heard that about Sale.

As of now, consider Baez your starting CF. Fowler prob signs elsewhere, Baez starts the season there w trade and guys in minors there waiting if he can’t play there.

Middy has been fighting Graves disease. If slowing down production tines keeps her healthy I’m for it. Keep the hits banging and you can take all the time you want.

I live in Chicago. I’ve been really trying to not pass advance judgement. But saying it’s not a comedy when the source material is a comedy is red flag one. This song and lyrics are red flag two.

What do you know about

Fellow Cards fan living in Chicago. There’s no reason the Cubs or Pirates can’t beat the Cards in 5 games. I’m already salivating over the upcoming Arrietta/Cole game. Mets/Dodgers should be a blast as well. I can’t wait.

Most of the old Dominick’s are now Mariano’s (which is way better), or Whole Foods.

I did notice a large number of gross dirt hippies around the city today. This reminds me why, with the Dead in town and all.

This calls for a reminder of two of Tracey Jordan’s rules of life. Specifically number two:

Anyone know what the full Book 4 will be out? I’m caught up through 3.

A garlic press is for rubes who don’t know how to cook. All it will do is squeeze out all the juice, which you really want in there.

A garlic press is for rubes who don’t know how to cook. All it will do is squeeze out all the juice, which you

Actually no. He’s pretty much admitted that after his wife passed away he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. It’s not just taking checks as much as he wants to have fun.

I’d argue start of June, but yeah. Yesterday was especially nasty though.

I have to side with the teama bit on this one. It was a miserable day im the city yesterday, cold, wet and windy as hell. It would have been a miserable experience for fans. A friend who had tickets was really glad the game was cancelled.

Rooftops were built, and exist as a private entity with private profits. About 10 years ago, the Cubs put up tarps to block the rooftop views into the stadium, saying rooftops were getting their game product without paying for it. The two sides signed a (approx) 25 year deal with the Cubs getting 17% of rooftop

Or it could be what happens when there is an especiay cold winter which allowed very little work to be done. The team requested a 24 hour a day work permit to make up the lost time, the Mayor said no since it's a residential neighborhood.

Pass. Looks like a bunch of assey craprock, along with a bunch of bands I either never heard of or didn't losten to.

he should trade notes with LaRussa and the Diamondbacks. Topic: 'how to successfully regress while everyone around you advances.'

This may just be a matter of the differences in subjective opinion. Everything you said would almost apply to Moonrise Kingdom, which I liked. Yet I hated Grand Budapest. At times I felt like every critic review auffered from the same 'blind spot' you speak of and reviewed it favorably because they thought they were

May I ask why? I'm a Wes fan and the positive reception got me excited and seeing this was a major letdown.