
Well the city is as much of a character as anyone else in the show, so why wouldn’t they say it a lot? Neighborhood would make more sense, but so what? Doesn’t dimimish the excellence of DD S1 in any way for me.

I was pretty unimpressed with her in this anyway. The movie was a mess, sure, but at least Arnold had presence and charisma. Watching Clarke in her scenes w Jai Courtney was as fun as watching paint dry.

I had heard that Guinness hated it so much he wouldn’t do the death scene. That’s why Obi-Wan is disintegrated, they had no actor to play the corpse.

I was thoroughly confused by all the love that sack of crap movie got.

You just described Snyders career.

Not based on a book, but man what a stinker.

Many people in the know think that about Adam Eaton. I haven’t heard that about Sale.

When I do pimp seats for a weekend show it’s $20 a person. So $50 to watch at home? Not unreasonable at all.

Yet another reminder that Snyder is a war mongering, stunted man-child.

Am I the only who didn’t love the Prestige? I’ve seen it twice and just did not get into it. I love Nolan overall, but not this time. I really don’t get the excessive love for this one.

I think you may be forgetting a pretty major one here.

He is. Hemsworth has been quoted saying Waititi hopefully will add lots of desperately needed humor. With word being it will essentially be a buddy comedy roadtrip movie w Thor and Hulk and now directed by Waititi I can’t wait.

They pitched a tv show in New Zealand about following the cops around. *fingers crossed*

No that’s the mexican.

That Walton Goggins one is pretty freaky, the rest are pretty great.

Why does Jai Courtney keep getting work? This movie might suffer not having Tom Hardy in it.

Spoilers if you haven’t read the comics.

If it’s Laika, I’m in. It has all been excellent so far.

As of now, consider Baez your starting CF. Fowler prob signs elsewhere, Baez starts the season there w trade and guys in minors there waiting if he can’t play there.

Between this and the theme parks I smell desperation, the type that will ultimately bankrupt Lionsgate.