
I think that Sawyer's big problem in getting Sayid on his side had to do with the fact that he opened the conversation by head-butting him. YOU DO NOT HEAD-BUTT SAYID. I feel like things might have gone a little smoother if he had explained what he was about first.

@Noel Murray: Good point re: the corpses. Perhaps the smoke monster doesn't manifest itself, but changes people's behaviors? This also makes more sense in the context of Rosseau's description of the events as an "infection", and it explains why shooting her boyfriend worked (if he WAS the smoke monster, it's hard to

The smoke monster and island "ghosts"
I think you missed what, to me, was the biggest reveal of tonight's episode: the smoke monster can take on the appearance and sound of the people it scans (or kills). Rosseau's boyfriend, who she shot, was not actually him — it was a manifestation of the smoke monster. People have

I actually thought that the pregnancy angle was interesting and consistent with the discussion of the women's differing responses to pregnancy in the rest of the episode — willing, unwilling, anticipating, dreading. Also I think that the teen pregnancy thing is probably not too uncommon in religious families like

I'm pretty sure that Ben is behind the blood test. It got her to go on the run instantly, which makes her much more likely to be interested in whatever crazy get-back-to-the-island scheme Ben's been selling. Prior to the blood test thing it seemed really impossible that her character would want to go back, now it's

How sad to have a flashback to your 2,000-year-old pre-resurrection past and to realize that you started as a Brooklyn hipster.

At first I was bothered on this as well, but then I realized that their entire focus for the series has been finding a safe home for humanity, not satisfying their intellectual curiosity. I mean, they've skipped over a lot of pretty interesting planets. Theoretically I would guess that once they set up shop on a safe