
Hey same, Norwalk is my hometown and that sounds like a very Greenwich thing to say

I feel like this is the first Kimmy Schmidt episode that really nailed the right political-comedic balance without cowtowing to both-sides-ism or missing the mark. Now is not the time to pull punches, and they didn’t.

Standout episode of the original run was, for me, when Jackie gets punched by her boyfriend, who Dan then beats the crap out of. Both of them gave performances that towered above anything else on TV at the time.

I dunno, a couple of episodes with “Fury Road” Wells might be entertaining

sad that this shit happens to both sides. i was called a racist by a Puerto Rican employee simply because i told her i voted for trump. the funny part is that i am also Puerto Rican.

Yeah, that bothered me too. Partly because I’m dealing with my father’s Alzheimer’s and partly because of how perfectly Carl Lumbly has portrayed M’yrnn’s slow decline.

“Make Me Feel” is already my song of the summet.

You lot are motherfucking savages. I <3 you lot completely.

Sulk, Barry! Sulk!

DeVoe was thrown off because Barry was moping. Little did we know the most annoying thing about The Flash was his true hidden superpower.

For me, it was that the kid was played by “little Andy Cunanan (who) isn’t in the business anymore.”

the arrival of Gideon comes across as a big “oh, well ok then.”

Definitely agreed. He flew the Waverider to the sun the first season, but it showed him surviving immediately. They just didn’t show him surviving yet and waiting for next season this time.

If Mr. Time Jack*** really is dead I’ll just be sad he never shared a scene with Sara’s mom.

Christine also sings (and wrote) “You Make Lovin’ Fun”, about the lighting guy she was hooking up with, while her and John McVie were breaking up.

Hot damn! It’s been a long while since I’ve been so sucked into an episode of television, honestly. Such a beautiful balance of the usual Holt/Jake dynamic with SKB’s positively unsettling guest spot. As someone who hasn’t seen much of his work (I *very intentionally* avoid This is Us) I am happy to finally see what

The best is still the first time he did the recurring bit with “Dan Cortes”.

The entire Escovedo family...