But I hoped they wouldn’t change!
But I hoped they wouldn’t change!
Danson won Best Actor at the Critics Choice Awards last night, I was so happy! Finally he gets a big one.
People loving each other despite their differences seems to be Schur’s trademark, and it’s why I now watch anything with his name on it without question and re-watch Parks, Brooklyn 99, and Good Place obsessively. The world is a real shirt-hole right now. I need positivity wherever I can get it.
Thank goodness Ted Danson just won the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Actor, because the joyful, layered, rich, silly performance he’s been giving in this show is sublime. The fact that he’s not even been nominated by most other award shows is a travesty.
This show is goddamn unbelievable. Thoroughly cemented itself as my favorite comedy show of the decade, absolutely no competition.
Basil Motherfucking Rathbone
Just out of curiosity, what’s your favorite thing by George Saunders? I really like his short story “Victory Lap” (the first one in Tenth of December)
My favorite diner, which was on 47th and 6th, closed forever on New Year’s Day last year. :-( Hard to find them any more.
Meanwhile, I’m struck dumbfounded by the idea that someone thinks that Luke wasn’t an immature hothead who made a ton of bad decisions due to those flaws in the OT.
I find it refreshing that she isn’t related to the Skywalker family at all. Now I worry if Abrams is gonna bring it retcon it so that she is in Episode IX.
Somewhere, David Geffen is quaking in his wee little boots.
I’ve heard rumors for years and I thought he would never be charged.
A dino of some sort probably picks him up. I’m calling it: a flying dino carries Pratt up out of the cloud.
Nah, he don’t, though.
This looks dumb as hell.
Part of the problem with having a “super genius” who is supposedly dozens - nay, hundreds - of steps ahead of everyone else is the character is still being written by normal people. We’re just supposed to accept that his plan is a super genius plan and we don’t get it because we’re not super geniuses.
Yes. Agreed with “skip the cheesesteak”. Do the roast pork at Dinic’s in the Reading Terminal Market (hell, do a whole feast of delights at the Reading Terminal Market). Get it with the broccoli rabe.
Don’t bother going to see the Franklin Institute. I went back to see it last fall and it looks it hasn’t changed since I was a kid in the ‘70s. And it’s crazy expensive.
You know, if I recall correctly, that actually did work out swimmingly for everyone involved.
I guess he could be afraid of Shawn noticing? but you’re right, they did set up the possibility well early in the ep