
Well there is no way that could ever turn out badly.

Well I mean they are married, after all.

I have a lot of thoughts, and I’ve been processing them. But generally this:
Be good. In the end you get what you put out, as long as you decide to keep putting it out. And that energy extends forever, in small ways.

And that’s it. This ending was just what I wanted. I’ll miss them. This was the peak of this era’s

She and Levy are absolute pros at it, and it’s a harder skill in a comedy than in a drama. (Levy’s listening is more overtly comic but in a way that focuses the attention back on the speaker.) I think her age has something to do with it, as it’s a skill that absolutely has to be honed. The two other best listeners on

I assume it depends on the individual’s own preference. And, if you pick it but don’t have a preference, the door will just know what way to do it.

I knew the universe bent towards justice!

That’s not Mr. Music!  The Good Place is still broken!

Good point. The people who see The Good Place as mainly a puzzle box show miss the intent. It’s a relationship show.  And the previous people in The Good Place had very few relationships.

Michael: Good Place

The stream of people to interact with definitely will help. Society is collective and they will develop a collective society and exchange of ideas. And once you are tired of one civilization you can move on to another, endlessly. You won’t be limited by your own creativity. We will be able to explore other’s ideas.

I think for this it was budgetary.  Do you have any idea how much more expensive 5 seconds of Gal Gadot is compared to two minutes of Grant Gustin?

Now playing

Whenever someone mentions this soundtrack I know they are a kindred spirit. What an amazing soundtrack and amazing movie. If you think it’s too disturbing for kids you should, in the words of Sendak himself when responding to that “go to hell.”

One, two, ready, go!

Well if we are going to do this my top tracks are all fairly unknown...

I use both songs to illustrate what a theory is and why science is ever-changing.  

Or he’s a New Yorker.

That’s the coolest looking person I’ve ever seen with a kabab.  Cool like a tree.  Or an air hostess in the 60's.

Right on, mate. I haven’t heard The Streets in ages.

I adore it, but we need a moratorium on starting the actual song a full minute into the video.

They are moving from the big “what do we owe each other” to the “what do these characters owe each other.” The endgame doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a puzzle box, its going to be about their relationships. I’m thrilled with that. Sure there will be a plot twist (the bad place was flawed, and the good place will

In a true and just universe this will replace the Spongebob clip.