
First item for "Idol White" on the Wikipedia search results page: "White Wedding (song)".

I've recently discovered the joys of GeekTool, but for some reason it won't run when I start up my MacBook. I use it to display my iCal to-do list, so this is kind of a nuisance – I've worked around this by have System Preferences run at startup so I'll remember to run GeekTool, but I'd rather it just worked like

@alexLmx6: Also, a lot of public-domain works are available for free as e-books. So if you've already got the materials lying around, you can make a bound paper copy for free instead of buying one.

@cycoivan: It does "just work"... if you're okay with the "out-of-the-box" setup. If not, then it requires some tweaking. In that respect it's not very different from Windows, but in my experience (as a lifetime Windows user who got a Macbook several months ago) I felt like OS X didn't need as much tweaking. I still

I think the point here isn't that "depression causes enhanced focus".