
99 Acura CL

1. Scruffy!

Is it elitist or pretentious to wish for more literate role model? For a better educated populace in general? I think not. His is not a book list, it's shelf filler. "It would be a good thing to buy books if one could also buy the time to read them; but one usually confuses the purchase of books with the acquisition

If this is his FULL collection of books it's awfully short know...actual books. I don't know who this guy is, but I'm guessing he's not a "reader".

Burt Rutan, hire this man.

If only because it LOOKS like it SHOULD fly.

Found it! Oh, wait - this one's a Camel Wide.

Not ancient, but Mussoilini's death and his body's treatment after death seem rather cruel for the modern era.

the idea is wonderful! But...the floppy drive has the sound of a dot matrix printer. the cd player...uh, dude just needs a new cd player, they don't sound like that. Also, MofES, please invest in a much higher quality recording device and/or engineer.

interesting, odd and bold. the Lancia is particularly unique. keep up the good work Mr. Santos!

further reading here:

A Marauder, of course.

2002-ish Pontiac Grand Prix sedan? Perhaps with some chrome accents? That would certainly be something a gang-banger might be driving.

Ooo, I like it!

The Starchair Enterpoop - Warp 10!

Species 8472!

I'm with kake. From certain angles it is a gorgeous car as well.