WTF is Taysom? That is not a goddamned name.
WTF is Taysom? That is not a goddamned name.
Not to mention, Instagram existed in 2011. It was more of a niche art app then, when it started. It was not a giant celebrity commercial.
Sadly, I believe it was cancelled. It was really funny.
Dogs feel empathy. No one should compare DT to a dog, ever.
Clove oil is really strong. I used it for myself when I had dry-socket after a disastrous wisdom tooth removal (a story for a different time), and a single drop on a piece of cotton was enough. Any more and it would burn. I would think it would need to be very diluted for a baby.
Oh, Hello was just weird. It was good in parts, but I think I would have rather seen a whole PubLizity show, or Cesar, or Pawnsylvania, or even Gigolo House. Oh, Hello is a bit too thin for an entire show.
Exactly. The characters are unlikable because they make terrible decisions. Period. At least the unlikable characters on Girls were acting like 20-somethings often act. These are 40-yr-olds still behaving as though they are 22 and clueless about life. It's just not believable.
This is true. But once those groups settle down into partnered adult life, they tend NOT to hook up with each other anymore (unless that's the understanding everyone has, I guess). That's what I could not believe about this — how did they somehow not consider it cheating? Are they that emotionally stunted?
What about Seth?
It's a half-hour show. We really, really, really need new structure for the Emmys.
I am shocked Michael McKean is not nominated. I shouldn't be. Emmy voters are lazy.
Amen to both of these. This Is Us is good, but like House of Cards, it is a glorified soap opera.
I thought that scene was a bit too convenient, in terms of moving the story forward and setting the building blocks in place. I decided to forgive it though because I really enjoyed the show, and pilots are hard.
Better still, her impression of April Ludgate's little sister when Ron goes to Casa Ludgate in S2.
Yes! Excellent comparison!
It's not the vaccinated people: it's the people who cannot be vaccinated due to medical condition (such as cancer); people with lowered immune systems; babies too young to be vaccinated. You are putting all of them at risk.
I believed her.
You can always tell a Milford man.
I started watching this show from the beginning as a guilty pleasure, but it has really made something of itself. For me the quality of the characters and their relationships with each other are as important as the weekly plots and overarching story. I would argue that Lucifer has all of that. Or maybe I just really…