
Here's the thing. This is NOT the typical "dramedy" where the protagonist is an asshole you're supposed to root for anyway. This is something different. It's layered, it's thoughtful, and it's not at all typical. I didn't know what to expect but I loved it and I'm psyched for next week. It's the air-conditioning of

Pierce you're a b.

Where are the Weedle fries?

Oh, are we already starting?


I was more commenting on the tendency to cast women as old when they're not, but yes, you are correct, this is probably the wrong place to make that criticism.

I feel like they have finally heard my pleading tweets!

Let Britta sing her awkward song!

She's nowhere near old enough to be his mom.

I wish they would release it to Hulu to join the rest of S1–5.

Luca had tremendous potential, but the writers didn't bother to develop her as anything more than a reactive/supportive character. And Jeffrey Dean Morgan was fantastic but similarly underdeveloped in terms of his motivations as a character, I thought.

I recognize that song from the 90s!

And so ignored in general. I loved that song and that album. Along with Patti Smith's About a Boy from Gone Again and PJ's Dance Hall at Louse Point. All so good.

Doh! I forgot she was nominated last year. How could I forget?

Louie Anderson was my long shot (but I guess less long than Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore!). And don't forget Tatiana!!

Did you tape the songs off the tv? I did!

I agree! I felt that that was pretty uneven. I also found Chet's whole paleo transformation to be awkwardly cartoonish, but I don't live in LA, so maybe that's a thing that really happens there?

For people in our 40s (at least those of us who went to liberal colleges), AIDS awareness was huge on our college campuses in the late 80s. AIDS awareness groups like ACT UP were very active and influential in raising gay rights awareness. And Keith Haring prints were everywhere.

I totally rejected this movie in the 80s because it looked silly, but I am going to watch the crap out of it now. Thank you!

Hang in there!