I can’t be the only person who thinks Matt Stafford and Sam Bradford are the same person, right?
I can’t be the only person who thinks Matt Stafford and Sam Bradford are the same person, right?
The Jets would kill for average and overpaid.
Weird how he’s so average and overpaid but not the QB of the NY Jets yet.
At least until Washington finds a way to pay Kirk Cousins $200 million over 3 years, and a month later Bruce Allen realizes that, somehow, $325 million of it is guaranteed.
This is the dumbest fucking thing. The two coaches for making a big deal out of it, and the press for reporting on it like it matters.
These petty beefs have really humped the shark.
McElwain: C’mon, Jim. We need to know who is on your roster. This is bullshit.
Scot Pollard. Those early ’00s Kings teams were so much goddamn fun, and they employed a dude whose main job was to have weird haircuts and facial hair.
In other news, Keith Wenning has just signed a contract to fight Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Are people so dumb they dont look at the picture or anything anymore? They just assume because he is famous that his twitter handle must be simply his name? Its not like Jon Jones is a unique name or anything....
Her own family even came out and said why did it take a white woman being killed for people to be so outraged.
When you’re the punter it’s best not to give management a reason to fire you.
I think they’re trying to have it both ways - showing a small token of support, but not going “all-in” in order to protect their asses.
*Wyoming Courtroom, Preliminary Hearing*
Where did the Moose touch you?
Probably the same way his parents criminally entered that ‘e’ in there.
Not to dampen the fun but seems pretty obvious he hunted or fished where he wasn’t suppose to.
This is such a stain on the legacy of Confederate Gen. Ryen Beauregard Russillo.