“But, Coach, I have to do this myself. We’re not Louisville. Arranging hookers isn’t part of The Process.”
“But, Coach, I have to do this myself. We’re not Louisville. Arranging hookers isn’t part of The Process.”
What conservatives don’t get is that their very brand of political ideology is built upon status quo. Because that’s literally where the term conservative comes from. Every instance where they call for the status quo, for quiet inaction from everyone, for things to just stay ‘neutral,’ they’re espousing their…
When did people start pushing this narrative that sports are popular because it is “an escape from the real world”?
So last week I had to say I was “Team NFL,” and that made me queasy but it was fine because it was against “Team Trump.”
And I hope Pop and Kerr tell their teams to do what they want.
Those last three made me chuckle.
That racist judge is a brunette.
They argue with facts, logic and reality. No need to have them argue with EACH OTHER on top of that.
I knew I made a mistake when I turned down that job at the ‘ol Blonde Conservative mill. Business is booming!
So which dead eyed blonde lady is which?
I’ve often wondered why the hell an 18 year old would choose to go through all this shit instead of actually getting paid to play and traveling Europe in one of the Euro leagues. Is it that a big university program can develop players better? More visibility from NBA scouts?
I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.
in what world did he lead with his shoulder?
You ain’t Lion!
Frankly, I wouldn’t hire anyone related to a Lions player to do contract work. I have sincere doubts that they’d know how to finish.
What did all those generations of American soldiers die for since 1776 if not for a rigid suppression of dissent and absolute loyalty of all citizens to federal power?
Blow me. I’ve been a moron long, long before Friday. When you were but a twinkle in your daddy’s eye, I was doing moronic things.
this is the dumbest thing i’ve read in the last 20 minutes.