Football is USAs Biggest Religion And Thats Sad

. . . but there are so, so many people who actually think this way. Curt is not an outlier. Even if she wins, what do we do with the tens of millions of Americans who actually subscribe to this nonsense and believe Donald Trump should be our President? I am pretty middle-of-the-road politically, registered Democrat

I believe Derek Jeter’s running catch and leap into the stands vs the Red Sox was totally overrated and not that great

I believe that Russell Westbrook is a better and more exciting player than Steph Curry.

David Stern orchestrated the rigging of the 2012 NBA draft lottery to force Anthony Davis to New Orleans before selling the team, providing the franchise, which the league owned, a huge boost in value.

I believe LeBron James completely gave up in that Game 6 loss against the Celtics.

The 2002 Kings Lakers series was 100% rigged by the NBA. I don’t care what anyone says.

The Wave is fun.

be it 12/31 full or 19/31 empty your still drinking a tall glass of shit.

I am tired of this negativity. Deadspin always sees the glass as 19/31 empty. I choose to see it as 12/31 full.

No better way for the athletes to get the true Rio experience than by living in favelas.