
Back in high school I systematically tracked down and read all of Heinlein's books—and as others have said, TCWWTW is better read with some prior context. (If at all, IMHO.)

The problem is that most vodkas beyond some minimum standard of competent distilling are basically interchangeable. The U.S. legal definition of vodka literally specifies that vodka is "without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color."

@wolfgangvonschrei:disqus: Þe letter þorn? I'm wiþ you on þat.

It's true, I don't know much about Atwood, beyond having read a couple of her novels. And my post was overstated, and carelessly worded.  I don't doubt her intelligence.

This is admittedly interesting—but her stated definition is one that no one else uses, and which makes no sense in terms of the history of the genre:

No—I like her writing, but this seems like a fair assessment of Atwood, who doesn't even know science fiction well enough to know when she's writing it.

Skreddy57: "La-A" would be pronounced "La-Hyphen-Uh".  "Ladasha" is properly spelled "La—A".

I was expecting to see the Coup's "Nowalaters" here:

That is amazing.  They are like the Green Lanterns of scrotum. 

Google wants to know if I meant "pandaphone": an even rarer instrument, I suspect. 

I recently gave up on Infinite Jest, about 200 pages in, when it spent two pages telling an old joke with no particular context in or relevance to the story. (This joke:… ) I'm okay with cleverness for the sake of cleverness, in the Nabokov/Amis vein, but if I'm going to invest in a

i have no capslock, and i must scream…