
Eh the right has shown a very inconsistent ability to make decisions based on future or even past consequences to them and their loved ones. My uncle and I once got into a very circular argument where he argued I wouldn’t be killed in a school shooting because “you’ll stay safe” and the kids will  be ok because “the

I mean the way it fluctuates makes it basically useless as currency. If that happens to any other currency, it’s a bad sign, not a market. 

I mean Clarence Thomas put Loving at risk with his decision and he’s literally in a (terrible) marriage that would be illegal without it. I don’t think conservatives are necessarily anticipating when this will impact them. See “it’s not really going to be at 6 weeks, it will be 15" or “It’s not going to make it

My lane keeping feature is pretty good, but my experience with Google Maps tells me that computers get confused around a lot of driving locations. I’ve had Google Maps want me to drive into a cornfield or through a private truck depot with a fence blocking the way to the other road. Cities aren’t much better since the

The problem with that is that asshole drivers will still want to be assholes- as we saw in the Tesla settings that literally let you break the law. 

I don’t think he was black based on the video? I think he was just a white ally 

Oh yeah- there were multiple Republican phones out visible in the GoPro footage too. It’s absolute bull that no one took any footage of him hitting her

That’s not even translating the bile when he says “schoolkids” like they are a ridiculous group to worry about

I mean it’s incorrect but she is trying to help people and has helped some people so far with her efforts to help the incarcerated. It seems like her family really didn’t value education for women (have *any* of the Kardashians gone to college? All the women got plastic surgery pretty quickly) despite her father being

I always thought the biggest problem with the sit up test (especially for the Presidential Fitness Test which theoretically should function as an educational guide to help gym teachers encourage improved fitness in specific areas to students) is that it doesn’t include recommendations for adapted exercises and also

I’m sure it’s playing in their heads 

Yeah Smart was very lucky (‘lucky’ but also lucky) in that she got kidnapped by a weirdo who wanted to long term keep her and not someone who would dispose of her quickly. A lot of other missing white women do get found... but they find bodies it’s only somewhat comforting. There’s a pretty big chance that that poor

Unfortunately the Uvalde police were the same kind of brown people - the Chief who was the #1 fuck up was Latino. But I think it’s a combination of incompetence, useless bravado, and cowardice. I’ve heard that in some precincts if you score too high for IQ it’s a negative and their actions really prove it here. Unless

And honestly, it will probably just give them weird conservative boners instead of making them want to do anything bc the current GOP *loves* trauma porn. Oh look this legless man dragged himself to work so he didn’t call out how heroic isn’t that inspiring you can think of it next time you’re training for a marathon

Yeah I would describe her as “girl next door” pretty. Which doesn’t really work for the “slutty dead cheerleader” thing they were trying to do- cheerleader as girl next door is more 50s/60s or like Buffy. But anyway the whole article is a reach since she’s one of 3 characters that die in a short span of time. It’s

I mean it’s possible the surgeon did screw up or he didn’t get PT or he was prescribed Tylenol when he needed something stronger. Or he was actually drug seeking or chose not to go to PT. But either way the fact he could buy an AR-15 the same day and walk in and shoot people where he could have maybe thrown a punch

Maybe a strawberry blonde? But she’s definitely like an auburn or strawberry blonde not your classic bleach blonde cheerleader 

Personally, I liked most of the season (it was neat how the threads worked together after a while), but honestly the multiple scenes of El in the tank were somehow more boring than her detour with the other special kids. I feel like they should have at least put in a throw away line about not being able to reach them

I think the length is good for character moments, but not for scares. There’s a reason a lot of horror movies have flat characters- there’s only so much time to build them up before you cut their heads off. The Demigorgon escape was pretty thrilling though

Yeah- any uncanny valley was fine with current TV resolutions/how it was shot (it could always look worse in the future but that’s any effect) and the fact that it was all in her mind so the child El looking a bit off kind of worked in a psychedelic way. I’m going to headcanon the fact that her dialogue in these