
Yeah honestly that seems like the answer. Also, I’m not a fan of the Duffers’ approach to romance which is just various characters telling the members of the ship that they should get together until they do. It made the Nancy/Jonathan hookup weird and honestly doesn’t work as well as creating legit character moments

Oh yeah- well there’s so many men (and women with easy periods) who don’t understand how bad intense cramps can hurt. And the functional level of “well you’re still standing” only helps so much with chronic pain bc some people just get used to operating in pain

Seriously- the bigger threat to Depp’s career was also probably part of why he abused Heard.... the substance addiction. It’s turning his face into a clearance aisle TJ Maxx handbag. It would probably have been a better mood to cry “I’m an addict” than sue Heard for defamation in the first place, but that would

Also that’s almost a *third* of those with student loans walking away with no debt whatsoever. 12 million people is a lot of people 

It’s like an emotionally abusive relationship where every time you think you expect the worst from them, they find another low. 

They were there but they didn’t really go in- they seemed to mostly be preventing parents from going in

Seriously I think cops have a right to want to go home- BUT then we should hear them shouting “ban AR-15s” at every gun control event. Teachers don’t want to get shot and are pro-gun control. Cops don’t want to get shot and are pro-murdering civilians. It just shows how political it is that the “blue lives matter” and

Seriously- not a single attempt noted of de-escalation or attempting to calm down/comfort the parents. Every other public facing job learns how to do this. 

Yeah it’s disappointing to know that he was stupid and the problem seems pretty minimal since NFTs don’t really represent ownership the way a copyright would but the “famous(?)“ part was unnecessary. He’s been working for years and has run a show for multiple seasons plus does a lot of other current work. Like, I know

Apparently - maybe that’s why he cheated when he went to rehab

Well coke and sex orgies involving *them*

Maybe she thought it would get more views because it’s negative and looks ridiculous? But yeah I’d imagine that’s the kind you just put on and rub in? 

Yeah I wonder if hunting has declined in popularity and when that happened compared to the change in marketing to “guns are great for murdering people”. Definitely better for the suburban guy that doesn’t want to bother to buy a hunting permit 

Yeah- I think the big difference is that the people pushing for the lack of gun control and selling the guns are using more white supremacist rhetoric. The face of the NRA used to be a hunter who had multiple guns as part of his hobby. Now it’s “protecting yourself”. The people they celebrate that “protect themselves”

I mean it’s pretty weird to have a whip in general. Even if they have a horse, that doesn’t seem to be a rural area where they’d have a stable. Best case scenario kid independently smuggled the whip from the stables to home (though again you don’t even really need a whip these days for horses, people just use reins)

Would that still happen with a wrap though?

Obviously you’d be more interested in semi-permanent options like women have with implants and IUDs- they haven’t really developed them for men bc of the general lack of male birth control research but it would be good for men like you that don’t necessarily want the snip

Yeah- if anything the kids should already be comfortable with the new partner and be talked to specifically about a potential engagement

And reducing poverty- stressors cause fights. Part of the reason there was an uptick in DV cases during the pandemic. 

I think we as a society have trouble handling the concept of mutually abusive relationships- I believe her a bit more than him because her claims are based on substance abuse and he’s clearly got a massive substance abuse problem from the way he’s rapidly deteriorating like that Nazi that opened the ark of the covenant