The problem with rags is that I don’t use up washclothes that fast. My parents sometimes use washed but worn out underpants as rags, but that always feels like it would gross people out if they knew
The problem with rags is that I don’t use up washclothes that fast. My parents sometimes use washed but worn out underpants as rags, but that always feels like it would gross people out if they knew
I think the drama part was the main issue. You can only have the apocalypse so many times before it gets ridiculous. There’s lots of creative things you can do with monsters, but they just went in circles after a while character wise because they had to keep it dramatic and the characters really weren’t doing things…
Yeah honestly I was done long before the show ended so a prequel sounds about as appetizing as a piece of pie in the Supernatural universe. They started forgetting their own *canon* after a while and showed monsters randomly doing stuff they weren’t supposed to originally. For a show that focused so much on how…
I mean, I get why they didn’t involve him since he already has a show right now, but yeah it seems like he would have appreciated hearing Jensen was developing it instead of being completely left out of the loop. Misha Collins being left out of the loop is even worse IMO because he’s not doing anything major that I’m…
OK good to hear- yeah, kissing your sexual partner after you give them oral sex should always be cool if you want to do it and kissing a different sexual partner depends on context (In a threesome? probably hot or fine Are you poly? ask your partners Did you cheat? Dick move). But if this is just a platonic friend…
You sound like you don’t wash your hands
Honestly even kissing a non-sexual partner on the cheek after a blowjob is kind of dubious without some mouthwash/tooth brushing. It’s my same feeling about guys who hold their penis to pee in urinals and then don’t wash their hands. Wash it off people
Yeah- the Alzheimer’s defense is scummy. That voicemail was taken while he was in the process of stealing money and he’s clearly a man executing a planned deception, which is not something a vulnerable person with Alzheimer’s is capable of
I mean one thing I liked about that show was that character growth wasn’t black and white and one way. Don seemed like he’d found a relationship he actually could commit to, then it soured and he cheated. The new agency was promising, then it got drawn too thin with the West Coast. Plenty of people gain weight are…
Yeah- I think it’s fair that actors shouldn’t have to put their health at risk to accurately play real people. They didn’t need to make Ailes and Cheney ‘fat’ to show they were bad; they were bad people who also weren’t skinny. The best actor won’t always be the exact size (and I’d think it would be harder to handle…
He looks like a second to third tier villain in a John Wick film. I think the main issues are (1) that dress shirt looks like it came from TJ Maxx and I think it needed an undershirt, (2) the necklace was a mistake, (3) the shoes, while nice don’t go with the outfit- I think the pants are too long and the colors of…
Yeah- it’s not just a living wage. Retail is now edging to $15 but that alone won’t solve it. It’s how businesses value employees vs. customers. Employees should be able to refuse service easily to people demonstrating bad behavior. They should focus on hiring managers that recognize hard work, treat employees like…
Honestly, I’d be down for an article that was just Jezebel authors and commenters talking about dumb shit they did when they were teens along with like what activities they weren’t even legally allowed to do at that age for comparison. We seem to be at this weird cultural moment where we accept that minors under 18 can…
Yeah, I think her age is a big factor. There’s basic human respect for others decisions (such as “don’t hit people with cars” and “don’t rape people” (though I suppose you could argue that’s a bit influenced by what you’re taught about consent)) and background knowledge decisions (such as understanding what words are…
When I heard about this story on NPR they mentioned Michael Sam. Carl Nassib is significant since he’s an active NFL player who is playing in games. The first out NFL player was in the 70s after he retired
Too bad it’s “classic” and there isn’t an option for something like this modern version- normally I’m all for nostalgia but the style of the new tamagotchis are really cute
Yeah - I think the shortage may be in certain areas (maybe where enrollment fell when people moved their girls to Boy Scouts or couldn’t pay this year?). In my area, they just said our section did well this year and was preparing for next year. I think they should just sell them to outlet stores at a certain point and…
She played a role for like a season on Prodigal Son this year
Eh there are plenty of horny people in their 50s. I’ve heard women’s sexual peak is somewhere in their 40s
Seriously- part of it feels like people are acting shocked so they can pretend they weren’t involved in the public abuse. And maybe some Gen Z kids who were too young to consume that kind of media back then. Even on here Jez is being mean to J Lo about her being in a relationship and kissing someone in public.