
Yeah, I think the take away is (1) 2010 Chrissy Teigan sucked, (2) Michael Costello sucks, and (3) everyone alive in 2010 also sucked. I remember the way everyone reacted to Courtney Sutton in 2010. They were a laughing stock on every single comedy show and people were incredibly cruel.

The most ridiculous thing is the the Michael Costello incident was apparently *him* getting ‘canceled’ and there are two different women of color who said he was ‘bullying’ them and said the n-word around the time Chrissy was mad at him. Can you be canceled for cancelling someone?

Her cookbooks (there was also “Cravings 2") were great- lots of interesting combinations of flavors and usually with pretty easy to get ingredients unlike Martha Stewart. She didn’t feel the need to throw meat and cheese together in every dish like some cookbooks

I mean his skin already looks a lot better than it did in the throes of rehab (he looked really rough there for a bit)- I wonder if she has him on the same skin care regiment that she’s using.

I mean, the amount of times he has to cross his arms alone... The only time you do that normally is if there’s some sort of emergency steering situation where you have to turn as much as possible. Those were pretty typical turns- how on earth would you turn the car further than that in an emergency?

Not to mention that the majority of police casualties on the job are traffic accidents (like this moron could have had if he’d made her stop on that shoulder). If the blue lives matter folks wanted to save cops, they’d be for stricter speed limits and traffic laws. 

Yeah- I loved how it was like a modernized version of the erotic thriller but like the good ones that actually made it to theaters. 

OK I definitely want to see them- they were a pretty crucial part of worldbuilding since they showed one of the ways Gilead communicated its propaganda to the outside world

Yeah we haven’t seen much (or any?) of the Pearl Girls yet! I don’t remember them being portrayed and would like to see that

Seriously, the framing and acting in that speech was amazing. It was just real enough that you could picture it as a real speech you might see somewhere 

I’d say it’s somewhere in between. He wasn’t enjoying it and he was definitely shocked and confused that first time, but at the same time you’d have to see more from his perspective to determine if he thought of it as rape rape or unpleasant, empty sex. It can get complicated when something like that happens in the

I mean I think he’s a big part of her sound (really they’re kind of a sibling duo). But it seems like he kind of prefers to be in the background since he rarely showed up in videos even in the beginning 

I mean it seems like they should drop the $100 gimmick if the other option is interrogating everyone who does their food challenge

The instrumental theme in the beginning or “back in the 90s I was in a very famous TV show”? Because the latter flashes into my head at random moments

Yeah I’m so confused I feel like The Root already did an article on this festival like last year? I didn’t see it linked

Seriously, there are countries where the draft applies to both men and women. And it’s unfair that a family with only boy children would have to have all those boys register for the draft (and potentially all be put in harms way) and a family of all girls wouldn’t be impacted at all past potential drafts for dads.

Yeah I meant the Russo brothers - I got my sibling director teams mixed up

They do this in broad daylight and do every other interaction at people’s houses at 3am and are surprised people think someone is breaking in

Yeah- and I think especially considering the way Marvel movies work. Directors and actors could be working together for *years* on contracts alone. Can you imagine if one of the Wakowski brothers had hooked up with Scarlett Johansen? It could lead to arguments on set about favoritism or if it goes south you might have

Yeah- and I mean I feel like “your daughter doesn’t recognize me anymore and also I’m a mess” would also be harsh on a guy that’s clearly struggling and feeling guilty when there’s nothing they can do