merchantfan1 I mean there are a lot of Western examples here, many of whom are pretty old- for example “Mentor” is literally named after an old guy that tells Odysseus things. It’s not the most popular trope these days because “old guy tells you to do things” works better

Exactly- and “wise old mentor” character isn’t exactly unknown in the West. There’s Obi-Wan, Merlin, Gandalf, etc. Before the 70s or so, that guy just was always white and Asian characters were either comic relief or evil

China is so severe about it that they hate even the suggestion of Tibet. So a Chinese or even Korean or Japanese actor playing the role might have also upset them. Ixnay on the Ibetnay

I don’t know, they treat their workers better than big lots at least in the pay and job security area from what i’ve heard. Also their clothes are always nice quality for the price. They’re my favorite place to buy a flannel bc it’s actually close to the thickness of my clothes from the 90s that I inherited from my mom

Yeah especially since I don’t have much interest in the iCarly reboot but this seems like it would be less depressing- I can’t enjoy the new version knowing what happened to Jeanette. 

It was supposed to be a slightly edgy pun in the line of like 50 Shades references. Slightly dirty but in a gendered, traditional way

I feel like Celebrity Wife Swap was a thing. They basically did a “Celebrity” version of every reality show

Yeah you can’t even see the plants for how garish the pots are. The focus should be on the plants- this was clearly just a random purchase, not something from a real designer, artist, or landscape designer

Yeah- they obviously needed a more clear procedure for documenting when someone can’t easily be transported. And since it was a bond hearing, he obviously may have been better released to a mental facility as he wasn’t very coherent. But also the response of the cops shouldn’t have been “let’s murder him” when they

See my closets are already basically full so space wise I don’t know what to do until I get a house. I actually like the handholds on the elliptical and find it easier to use than a treadmill and am very uncoordinated. But that thing I saw reviewed was (1) almost $900 and (2) they only sell a treadmill.

See at this point I’m contemplating getting a machine that would fold down under something (the couch?) but it seems like an investment in money and space. Especially since the fold down i saw reviewed was a treadmill and I’m more of an elliptical gal

I’m already out of shape as it is- exercising after being cardio-lite for so long is already going to be a fun experience

Yeah- they didn’t mention gyms yet but I have my fingers crossed. I really want to get back to going to the gym but wearing a sweaty mask for an hour seems like torture 

I feel like the word ‘groom’ is starting to be used too loosely. It’s about being manipulated when you’re a child and rely on certain adults. At a certain point it’s just manipulation/ ‘seducing’ (though seducing has too positive a connotation these days- we need an in between word)

Yeah and unfortunately even without that it can be isolating since the few gay businesses around tend to all be in cities. Want to go to a gay bar? You’re going in the city. Want to go to a LGBT bookstore? City. Events? City. Dating? Most partners are in the city. It’s so hard to meet queer friends in the ‘burbs when

Yeah long dresses even on me are kind of impractical most of the time depending on the exact hem point. They make it hard to walk and get into stuff (I don’t know why this is worse for maxi dresses than my maxi skirt- maybe the hem on the skirts is a bit higher or the skirt is lighter). Tea length is best for

I could maybe even see that- there’s been some major grumping in the community about new developments being built. Our roads are delicate, twisty Revolutionary things so it’s not a town that expands easily. And we really don’t need the money (again you couldn’t pick a place that was less classic small town- you can

Yeah this is more like getting upset when told that another family apparently has their own house rules. Oh you let someone tag you out of Jail? You should git good at Monopoly 

Yeah I’m not even sure I’d trust a straight male hairdresser to do my hair and listen to me.... also I really can’t see anyone that cuts my hair very well bc I have to take my glasses off. 

The show creator is actually from the T/E area too so it’s not really a mistake. Maybe some producer pushiness created the weird name? And it’s too close to be just fictional. Like if it was “Marwyn” or something that would be more believable. Also every county that touches Philadelphia is affected by Philadelphia.