I mean this could be helpful since there’s a lot of people who “want to be an influencer” and this gives people a response when they’re obviously wasting their time.
I mean this could be helpful since there’s a lot of people who “want to be an influencer” and this gives people a response when they’re obviously wasting their time.
It would make War and Peace look like a bookmark
I don’t think anything will ever be as motivating as that little ping with the green happy face when you put something in the enclosure the animal likes. Or as infuriating as the ding and sad face when there was one rock too many.
I think it’s more because it seems like he accidentally stumbled into that appeal since he was actually miserable and his miserable happens to look like sexy brooding.
Sounds like something you could write a very very long Russian novel about
Maybe for an Asian pop setting? Yeah it came off more like what’s been popular for a while in Western rap. All his decisions further trapped him in his reality show prison. Trapped because he’s too hot? “I know what’ll get me away from this, girls hate brooding guys”
Personally I feel like Burt should make a hipster come back. It’s masculine without sounding ridiculous and it means “Bright” which is nice
Yeah it kind of makes it insulting to her sons that she didn’t go with a “B” name.
Yeah they’re basically stuck. In later games you’ll get forced out and they’ll go into the adoption pool
Yeah the problem with lip syncing was that they never credited the singers- but there are a lot of movie roles where they should just dub the singing voice
Yeah that question was also just a mess. There were too many elements. Are this “last year’s riots” Black Lives Matter protests or anti-mask riots? I wouldn’t call most of the BLM protests “riots”. Her response was also clearly “I don’t understand what you’re asking me”. And only 30 minutes for an interview focusing…
Yeah I grew up next to Easttown and it’s nothing like the show- it’s very affluent and always has had really big mansions. Why not just make up a more neutral name?
They should have made this “Mare of Bethelehem or Allentown” etc - or at least actually set in Delaware County since it’s actually working class. But then Philadelphia should have more of an influence since it’s right next door and huge. A show set in Easttown should be more like Veronica Mars- we have huuuge mansions…
“Cole Young” is such a boring name for a mortal combat character too. Like if someone can’t yell it dramatically you chose poorly
Hallmark needs to start selling a “Congrats on your gender reveal, hope you don’t explode” cards with like a cartoon inside being exploded and looking unhappy
At this point I’m wondering if there are people reading about all the havoc caused by gender reveal explosions and going “oh that sounds cool”.
Yeah even if it was an “accident” this “he’s just a kid you shouldn’t discipline him” thing related to even accidentally killing an animal (!!!) is a sign that there’s a reason he was that reckless. Next thing you know it will “He’s just a kid, it’s not his fault he hit that kid in school”, “He’s just a kid it’s not…
Yeah I’d suspect some of these people do find lynching funny they just don’t want to admit it. But these are the kind of people who’d take touristy pictures at a lynching
I feel like RE vampire lady has gotten more crushing type fantasy responses than there are people actively consuming giantess porn. Though I guess there might be more after this game?
Or not really simply- you have to do it for a very very long time until kitty feels sufficiently pet.