Yeah, this way you might have an option if you’re listening to something that’s from the black or LGBT community and using the n-word or f-slur in a way to reclaim it.
Yeah, this way you might have an option if you’re listening to something that’s from the black or LGBT community and using the n-word or f-slur in a way to reclaim it.
Yeah- and then a lot of them start talking about how they need to cut unemployment and social programs so people will “want to work”. You know they really just want slaves
Yeah there’s too many businesses (not even just restaurant but everywhere including hiring people with professional licensure) that think playing “gotcha” games is the best way since they can maybe confuse and intimidate someone into taking a job at low wages. They list an inaccurate location, they get offended if you…
I think the fact that religious-type food restrictions are also less common among a lot of people. Fasting can cause euphoria which is why it’s common in multiple religions and people have probably been weird and picky about their food since the first human found mold on some fruit. That’s part of why people on like…
I just wasn’t sure if “drugs” 100% meant pot. Smoking one cigarette and one joint shouldn’t be the end of the world (though I wouldn’t date a smoker). And it’s probably pot based on when and where he consumed it. But if it was coke or molly or even mushrooms I could see feeling more upset/betrayed
Personally I think that’s an intrinsic problem with introducing Cyborg with Justice League instead of Teen Titans. With the Titans he’s with his peers and on the older and wiser side at that and they get time to bond and talk about their mutual problems with their identity and parents. If he’s introduced as a Justice…
Yeah it’s so much more interesting because there’s already a ton of ‘evil schemer’ characters in the Asgard cast. It’s super hard to write but I loved how clever those storylines managed to get. And the idea of a character who is inherently in flux/chaotic and literally his own worst enemy is so much more interesting.…
Yeah also I wish we had a Luke Cage accessible for kids. Most of his 70s and 80s output was super kid friendly. I want a Heroes for Hire animated series with little Dani Cage and maybe Pei (she’s adorable, she’s a girl and she’s a POC Marvel, use her more!) and some of the fun crazy storylines the 80s Heroes for Hire…
Yeah I might just bite the Disney bullet so I can watch this when it’s actually out- this looks very fun and twisty and like they’ll make good use of Hiddleston’s strong comedic and dramatic talents. I also love Owen Wilson so that’s a good sign too
Yeah- I’m glad oatmilk is an option since I want to try making parve gravy with it (I don’t live near supermarkets that sell parve creamer) but like it’s.... obviously not healthy. These options are cool for vegans and those with lactose intolerance but milk is the best version of milk. It’s especially funny here bc…
I mean I wasn’t a huge fan of the revival mainly because every scene took twice the time it needed to and they had “Dougie!!” instead of most of the actually funny comic relief. But yeah nothing as stupid as “let’s devote several episodes to reenacting the Civil War with the bad guys winning”
Yeah I’m rewatching Twin Peaks and got to Season 2 where they have a character reenact the Civil War with the South winning. It’s set in Washington. It’s just... a choice
Yeah, her dad abused her mom and she was fairly young when he died. It’s just guilt making her feel that way, I don’t think she could have done anything
Yeah I think it depends on what kind of addict you are. For her, it sounds like she’s a slippery slope type that starts on alcohol and goes more and more extreme as quickly as she can get access to drugs. So her still drinking is probably not a good thing
Yeah there’s nothing as infuriating as Northern or Western rednecks. PA was in the Union! I can’t imagine how many of our relatives are rolling in their graves with all these Union descendants carrying around Confederate flags.
Yeah I was excited to hear he was gonna be Professor Utonium but then I read “dark and gritty”. Can’t kids stuff just stay for kids? At no point rewatching the Powerpuff Girls have I thought “I wish this was darker”
Also why the heck hasn’t his limit increased yet? My company has done it automatically twice since I got my card- he must be really bad with paying it or it’s a weird company
Yeah, Rami weighed at least 10-20 lbs more in that picture and I can see feeling a little uncomfortable with the public seeing that you used to be ‘fat’.
Yeah he’s handsome but I’m not sure I’ve seen him with that glowy quality Mark Hammill had in the originals.
Yeah but the article doesn’t mention if they bothered to do that and the number of search results they give (all in the millions) don’t seem like they were limited to say the last year or the last 5 years