I think he was trying to point out there were no popular actors with bald heads in their 20s or 30s. But yeah none of us are as pretty as Mike Colter
I think he was trying to point out there were no popular actors with bald heads in their 20s or 30s. But yeah none of us are as pretty as Mike Colter
I mean there’s still a good deal of ‘sexy’ black actors who are bald- Mike Colter is 44 (though yeah still not super young). It probably doesn’t help that these days almost every film actor is going to end up in a superhero movie. And there’s only a couple bald superheroes
Yeah since these were based on Google results I wonder if there was a way to limit how old the comments were. Because he was considered “hot” about 10 years ago when he still had his pretty blond hair
Yeah I think Roiland is the one that would be hard to lose. Middleditch is fine, but plenty of other actors could do his role
Honestly, it was about as misanthropic as last season. Which is kind of around the same level as the darker episodes of American Dad, it’s still nowhere near as depressing as R&M
Yeah I didn’t realize that’s who voiced Terry. Maybe they’ll recast?
Yeah her Q-anon hate squad is so crazy. Honestly they should do a whole article on just how crazy they got. Some of them accused her and John of actually killing their baby that they miscarried as a ‘sacrifice’ or to eat it. Also I find a lot of people who say she is talentless don’t cook and aren’t the target…
Yeah I mean they also seem to have a thing for highly paid athletes (which kind of makes sense, they earn a lot in a way that doesn’t compete with their brand and they’re attractive). 70% of NFL players and 80% of NBA players are Black so it would kind of be weirder if they were all marrying just white athletes from…
Yeah and they’re are a bunch of Q-anon nutjobs that think they ate their baby or sold it or something. It’s bizarre.
Yeah I really like her cookbooks. They’re tasty and the ingredients are less hard to find than your average Martha Stewart
Yeah I’d say it’s more fetishizing than doing the “dangerous black man” since the other black guy didn’t get the tough rap music. It’s not ideal, but it’s also not much worse than your average mainstream rap song. I read it as them saying they like tough black guys. But yeah their whole thing with fetishizing black…
Like at this point it’s video 101 to either keep your embarrassing stuff to another computer or put it in an incognito window and close that stuff down before you start doing work
Yeah I mean a lot of jobs at this level require you to know the right people and to know how to schmooze. Being a royal is basically being introduced to a lot of important people and etiquette so he’s probably fine
Yeah I don’t know what the deal is with Dunkin Donuts places these days. Is it really that hard to just fry up a certain amount of donuts every few hours? Maybe they need to pare their menu down or be more selective about their franchisees
Haha I love this
It sounds like it would be placed under the same category of behavioral compulsions like video game addiction or gambling addiction. Just because “addiction” doesn’t come after the title that doesn’t mean it isn’t a thing. What I think the article got sidetracked on is evangelicals have a habit of calling anything…
Yeah and I’m not sure how many places in America *don’t* have some dark history. We’re on land stolen from Native Americans and built on slave labor. My home town’s in the North so not as much confirmed slavery, but the descendants of the black servants from the wealthy households still make up most of the African…
Haha I think you meant “groupie”, though the image of musicians dreaming about sleeping with one of their hairy roadies did give me a laugh. Probably not good to sleep with them either, they’re employees
Doesn’t he also voice Prismo on Adventure Time? What’s with his type casting as all-powerful space beings?
Yeah, and I’d bet especially at a place that’s members only and relies on expensive regular dues having celebs as members is a major selling point