
“There was only one problem: People on the internet were absolutely convinced Bernie’s army fought everyone, even though it was really just a small minority of them. In those days, internet people didn’t realize that they weren’t the majority, and journalists went along with it because pretending whatever was on

King’s Hawaiian Seats® 

I’ll get shit for it, but I’d rather vote for the old white guy who has remained more-or-less consistent in his left-wing views over a pretend, feel-good shallow veneer of progress disguising the same neoliberal, center-right bullshit.

Not a K75T, those had crash bars and a top case. If it is a T, then it’s missing bits and is automatically CP. Touring kit looked like this:

Gita, you have been one of the best parts of this website. I’m glad you are leaving on your own volition. I can’t wait to see what you do in the future. Keep letting your light shine.

We’d like to promptly announce we are pulling all operations out of Washington state. - BMW.

The list of inanimate objects in the Poké-verse that might actually be ghosts is, like, insane. Don’t drink that tea, stay away from those electrical appliances, being near that chandelier is reducing your life expectancy, that tree or pumpkin might try to kidnap you if you’re not careful/ are a child.

That’s it, close the thread. COTD right here.

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can’t. Not without your help. But you’re not helping.

I’m nice AND predictable. Don’t you want that?!

Velcro One Way thin ties. I think the setup isn’t all that bad, honestly. The wires just make it look crazy, imo.

Ah yes, Bill Skarsgard. I own several jars of his anti-scarring medication, the Skarsgard Scars Guard.

Hi Borgward. How are you? Having a good day? Yeah? Me too. So, here’s the deal: I’m going to be nice to you, because my friend Danny also liked huffing silver spray paint out of a paper bag in his basement in the 7th grade. Not everyone could afford weed in middle school. I get it. Some of us were forced into more

I used to be the same, with the “You’re gay, who cares?” I thought this was the enlightened approach. But that shit is the same as people who say they don’t see color. I don’t care, because my privilege allows me to not care if Lil Nas X is gay. But that’s a part of his identity and if he wants/needs to express it,

“Wawa does not have Top Tier fuel.”

**I am an RX-8 owner and rotary specialist, supporting RX-7/RX-8's in the Colorado Springs area.**

Elvis was a real man, dammit. He liked his sandwiches heart clogging, his hair piled up and slick as owl shit and his women underage. Only two people know karate and that’s the Chinese and the King baby. 

Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit.

They will unveil their 2032 candidate, a playboy magazine riddled with bullet holes and smeared with Heinz yellow mustard, to great fanfare. The Magazine will win in a landslide and robot-Mitch McConnell will vow to work closely with it.

Brittany Howard from the Alabama Shakes has new solo video and album coming out.