Wrong, fucko. Salmon is bad and isn’t a part of a balanced breakfast!
Wrong, fucko. Salmon is bad and isn’t a part of a balanced breakfast!
I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or…
i would pay real human dollars to witness this
Feel strongly that in a video game themed gala she’d go as Ivy from Soul Calibur in her George Washington costume
/looks at a slice of apple pie and a bowl of human fingers
Being in a committed relationship with someone doesn’t actually require a lot of the things that people normally associate with it. You don’t have to commit to just one person, and the commitment might not have anything to do with sex, or it might not encompass the entirety of each individuals sexuality.
Send him to construct additional pylons.
She looks like she got busted for possession at Lilith Fair, to which she was dragged by a group of friends who want her to pledge allegiance to Ani Defranco, buy some colorful hippie throwback clothing that randomly reappeared in the 90’s, and stop staying in on weekends to read Anne Rice, and listen to Nine Inch…
And when I plugged them into my phone, the B-52s came out, so I have no idea who I can trust anymore.
The color scheme’s appropriate. It’s Eva Unit 01, and it’s going berserk.
As a sociology professor at a big sports school, I am 100% behind this. Not because I want to coach (though I do have the flop sweat and meager pay!), but because these motherfuckers are always on tv talking about how they are educators, and that they’re teaching these kids, etc. And I’m always annoyed because they…
I want to know this as well. The thought of driving most Toyotas makes me want to die inside, especially when I think — it being a Toyota — I’d be driving it for so damned long.
This happened in Seattle, not Philly.
They already made a Snyder Batman movie with Karl Urban. It was fantastic.
Firefly TAS was cancelled so immediately that it reached backwards in time and is actually the reason that the live action Firefly was cancelled.
Also, and this is not really going to be a popular thing, but every person I’ve ever worked with—and I’ve helped over 200 people disengage and even my own story—was that the empathy from the people that we least deserved it from when we least deserved it.