maiden ... and childish?? YASSS
maiden ... and childish?? YASSS
They also clearly haven’t read the books. Geralt is constantly discriminated against, the humans are are all nationalists who hate each other, but hate the dwarves and elves more, and the dwarves and elves are divided between the Scoia’tael guerrillas and the ones who think that their race war will only hasten their…
Sorry you don’t like people having rights.
So your issue with this is you didn’t get to watch sexual harassment and coerced rape while at the airport? Fuck off.
Go to the Whitney when it opens to avoid lines. Then, grab some awesome (and relatively reasonably priced) seafood at the Lobster Place in Chelsea Market. Afterwards, walk the High Line, but don’t go nuts because it’s pretty crowded and kind of one note (but what a note!).
and that’s 2 bum kidneys BTW. If it was one, she would not need a transplant. Curious fact: when a kidney goes bad, the other one compensates for it by growing. This also happens with donated kidneys
Now that I think about it, she also must’ve been on dialysis... wow
I see you shiver with antici
I didn’t know BIG APOCALYPSE was out here doing sponsored posts
These guys. These are the guys. They love the NRA. Countless people have died because they love the NRA. They love the military industrial complex. They love war. They hate poor people. And they are so far removed from the reckless, random violence they endorse, it may as well be happening in a movie, so far as…
I’m especially impressed at the reports that on missions where the specific goal was to capture people, they violated orders and executed them instead. They directly disobeyed orders, and it looks like they got no punishment at all.