
So the women were in danger?

It would probably be easier if you just gave us a list of things Morrissey *wouldn't* object to.

Your one piece of anecdotal evidence is compelling.

I just looked this up and the top 4 cities are all Florida:

My family (all born and mostly raised in Chicago) lived in Grapevine from 91 to 95 and man was it a bit of a culture shock. When we first moved there and my sister was starting high school, my mom got really annoyed and was like, "What is with everyone and high school football?!" It's definitely a Texas thing, much

I would have included the one from last season - I don't remember the name - where Tina is having an existential crisis about playing Mona Nucleosis(sp?) in the anti-kissing school play and Bob tells her that it's her mouth and her choice to say what she wants with it and kiss who she wants with it. As a former teen

I blame Ben Wyatt's radio show Zoot Suit Wyatt.


I've not seen this episode yet, but I just wanted to add that you *have* to watch The Imposter. It's such an interesting film and I'm not even a documentary person (except for the few times a year I try to be a better person, so I watch a documentary or two on Netflix). SPOILERS for The Imposter: I tend to think that

The first time I'd ever seen her interviewed was on Conan maybe 4 or 5 years ago and she was so fucking funny. This was shortly after she had her first baby and at one point she said to Conan about the baby (and I forget what prompted her to say this), "Well, if he doesn't like it he can leave." I didn't know that

Well, she did land the cover of Hair Pulled Back magazine.

Ugh, Frank. I remember one episode he was working in a writer's house, so he painted like a giant piece of notebook paper and a pencil on the wall. It was uglier than anything Hildi had ever done.

I think we can all agree that Julie is (Jean-Ralphio voice) the wooooorst. (/Jean-Ralphio voice)

And to when she's dating his friend Stevie from Staten Island (in the first season) and she says Stevie grabbed her ass and Danny's like, "I taught him that move!"