
Possible. I seriously hope not as the blame lies squarely on the organizers feet. That said, they are very young and thus more likely to internalize this sort of thing. This only compounds how awful MS was here IMO.

National Canadian newspaper have been reporting on it as well. I expected something.

I’m inclined to disagree. I have put in almost three years of my life into Clash of Clans and I lost my cellphone this summer. I spend over a week pleading with the company to get my account back and had to answer some difficult questions to prove the account was mine. I have put in a lot of hours on that particular


No dancers man. This is a corporate sanctioned party. A purposefully sexualized environment is wrong for a whole host of reasons.

What? This isn’t on the dancers. They were doing a paid job.

They don’t want to identify as gamers because of the stereotypes surrounding the label. Events like the this don’t help that, nor do a lot of the comments.

I’m astounded you think this commenter is a troll. Reread what they wrote about games like SIMS and Minecraft and their industry impact, for example, and think again.

OK, well I apologize, as it was not my intention to make you an enemy. I landed here from a friend who is a developer who was disgusted by the event (male).

King sold for 5.9 BILLION dollars. I get that it is not your thing, but people do play those games very intensely and put in many hours. I am not going to reiterate what magus-21 has wrote about that type of gaming, as I feel they thoroughly covered those type of gamers and its importance on the industry, but they are

Oh so you are the victim now? You are demeaning those that don’t fit your very narrow definition of gamers and diminishing their enormous impact on the industry. Personally, I don’t think you are a gamer either. If doing nothing but gaming is your definition of a gamer, then yes, very few are going to identify as

You are not a gamer, you are an addict. Seek help immediately. There is more to life than your dank living space and expensive toys. Please don’t lump in all gamers to this narrow definition. It is embarrassing.

You are so perfectly eloquent. I can only respond to these comments with complete derision. Well done.

This comment is perfection.

LOL @ real video games. Only those that sit in their boxers on their couch for 100 hours a week pretending they are a soldiers/tough guys are REAL gamers.

I get it. The video games you play are more important than those other video games. You are a bonafide gamer. Everyone else playing games you consider less then, are??

Sad that you need to explain that.