your name and comment cracked me up!
your name and comment cracked me up!
he’s a misogynistic sadist emboldened by a fucked up religion.
hell yeah!
Like, the creepy assholes have no idea which kids are going to be okay and which are going to be traumatized and they DO IT ANYWAY which renders any “I chose my choice!” defending entirely moot to me.
that’s why it’s a “niggerita.”
i can.
regardless of the reason,i’m sick of seeing both kinds of comments. simply state her innocence and his wrongness. no need for hypothetical situations or denials.
ew. wtf is that?
me too!
what’s the second hashtag mean?
i’m tired of seeing “even if she had this or had that or done this or done that” type of comments. she didn’t do anything but passively resist the abusive piece of shit safety officer.
yes. i don’t understand your problem.
so,a doctor isn’t intelligent to you? that’s the first time i’ve ever heard of such an opinion. regardless,yale and john hopkins certainly didn’t share your opinion.
black women were.
so,he got into and graduated from yale and john hopkins yet he’s not very smart?
intelligence and very hard work. as he,and many others, illustrate you can be smart as hell and woefully ignorant at the same time. i wiki’ed him and found out that his dad was a seventh day adventist so...
i saw it as prince-stagram.
can you imagine this vile rapist bitch using sexism to excuse her nasty ass?
i included foxy brown’s denial of that information.
it is a failure of your own imagination and understanding, not a failure in the argument that transgender people exist and it is really possible to be born with a brain that doesn’t match your body in regards to gender.