cats a'silenced by white liberals

I need a list of people that value Sarah Palin’s opinion.

Two hundred years of voter suppression and the voices in your head?

I just want to hold his hand and look at his lovely face and those kind but fiery eyes.

Hey, asshole, the U.S. is his fucking country! He’s Puerto-Rican, not Mexican. Why is he responsible for Mexico having good government any more than you are responsible for Greece or some other majority-white country having good government?

The loud shitty Americans who have nothing better to do than piss away money to go to Trump rallies and no way to pass the time than howl about Trump? I’m really hoping those cretins are in the loud stupid minority.

I agree...I think they are directing their hate for us Black folks at our Latino brethren.

Some people say trump is a terrible person. I totally disagree.

Fucking vote already! You have the freakin’ numbers to own the South and this country today! You and the Democrats could OWN Texas if you’re a majority there! Same in Arizona! The GOP would have to come crawling on it’s hands on knees to you begging for forgiveness and completely disavowing the racists in

True, but Nobody Wants to be Lonely, especially when they’ve just been kicked out of a press conference.

“Livin’ La Vida Asshat Von Clownstick?” Did I do that right?

Livin’ La Vida NOPE-A

Four for you, Ricky Martin.

If you walk into a bar and see your partner hitting on someone and asking them to go home with them, do you consider it cheating if the person turned them down? I would.

So? The guy who tried to kill people on a train last week is still going to be charged for terrorism. People who try to kill others get charged and jailed. Not actually getting the end result but doing the steps up to it can be charged the same.

Nop, just a stupid jerk that was about to be an unfaithful cheater.

How would porn and masturbating fall into the same level of unfaithfulness as joining a website designed for people to have an affair?

It’s been mentioned a few times in the UK over the years and whenever I’ve seen it the marketing material has always been aimed towards men (it predominantly featured women on the ads).

The profiles I did for that one were for the launch of the site, so for all I know once it was established and reached a certain size they deleted the fake ones.

I think the amount of real women maintaining profiles on gay dating sites is probably higher than on AM