cats a'silenced by white liberals
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Yes! And I couldn’t dig her Female Energy track more.

yes, ’course

He’s not on the fringe. They want to claim he’s on the fringe, but when Fiorina, Carson, Santorum, and Walker are guests on your show, you’re part of the Republican mainstream.

My father’s sort of Mr. Tea Party

My father’s sort of Mr. Tea Party, and he says that people are loving Trump because he’s willing to push back against the terrible republican candidates and speak the truth.

The only thing more white american will be his eventual defense of the comments in which he asserts that he’s “not a racist” and that the statement was “taken out of context.”

Right? Hard fucking pass.

“What’s wrong with slavery?”

Agreed. The amount of support is horrifying enough but now the other candidates are trying to outdo him in the shittiest person/horrific policies arms race. It's horrifying!

This type of rhetoric is legitimately frightening, I know he’s on the fringe, but still...

but what they are saying is everyone is a horrible person

I have a hard enough time convincing myself to do situps alone. No thank you.

I met that person yesterday, he’s a personal trainer at my gym, which basically means he gets people to pay him to listen to his crazy conspiracy theories and racist, sexist, xenophobic shit for 30 minutes at a time while they do situps.

And always think that it's everyone else who is the problem; don't forget that dangerous myopia they all seem to have.

Today I met someone who told me, in all sincerity, that she believes Trump is the best candidate because he “says what everyone is thinking”.

What is the actual fuq? He even used the word “owned”.

You know, when the truth finally comes out, we may not like it, but it’s a relief to finally know what’s really going on (inside your enemy’s mind).

You get to be a construction worker. Cool!