cats a'silenced by white liberals

“The good people can come back.”

So he wants to deport the children of illegal immigrants. Which is contrary to the Fourteenth Amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

As soon as he calls the president of China because the delivery boy forgot to give him his fortune cookie.

So, should the worst happen and this walking bag of garbage actually manage to get elected, how long do we think it would be before World War III gets started? I give it 90 days.

I only clicked this story to figure out what the douchebag was eating.

Thank you for remembering this! I tell folks about this and no one has any idea what I’m talk of about.

He’s the kid running for class president who promises to put coca cola in all the water fountains. Logic is irrelevant.

I think he genuinely thinks he looks good. If he didn’t he would have done something about his hair by now. He just thinks we are all idiots and jealous of how awesome he is and that’s why we make fun of him.

I’ve come to the realization that this media savvy business man CAN NOT take a good picture. And if he can’t even control his own facial features...

Well, if he gets in, this is one legal immigrant who will be upping sticks and getting the hell out of dodge, so, good job Trump.

He will be the best at it, and it will be a classy operation. He’s been very clear on that. I imagine that is also a reasonable paraphrase of the response he would give to your question should you be able to ask it of him. It seems to be the response he gives to approximately half or more of the questions people ask

Remember when Alabama decided to ban illegal immigrant workers? The law was so effective, that food went unpicked. nobody took those poor paying jobs and they lost tons of produce and cash. Trump is just plain ignorant. He’s rich but ignorant of the way it is down here on the ground.

“We will not be taken advantage of anymore.” Oh yes, because Latin and South America are totally taking advantage of us. We’re certainly not taking advantage of their citizens’ desperation to hire them to work shitty jobs for substandard wages.

How? How? How? How is he planning on locating rounding up, and reporting 11 million people in the US? And why are they all going to Mexico? He realizes we ha e undocumented citizens from all over the world, right?

He also wants to deport LEGAL American citizens who happen to be the children of immigrants. This fucking piece of shit. I would love for this asshole to come into my middle school ESL class and my students would eat him up. I have had two valedictorians in two years! BOTH had immigrated to the USA less than 2 years

is the
took this

It’s at times like these where I start to feel more amenable towards vigilante justice.

Oh my goodness, one of the paragraph titles on his policy paper is “Put American Workers First”. I shit you not.

Ok, can we please get over the wall idea? We are human beings. We are inventive, innovative, and-at times-desperate. A wall will not stop anything.

The war on illegal immigration will be the next war on drugs; bloated, ineffective, and marginalizing, sounds like a peach.