cats a'silenced by white liberals

Good position to be in, tbqh.

Exactly. That's why models are models. They're professionally photogenic people.

Thank you for the reply and insight! So many people around me think I've lost my marbles and that I'm going to bulk up and look like a man but I've just taken to telling them to go kick rocks. My confidence has grown so much since I started lifting, so even though I have a way to go and a good bit of fat to lose, I'm

Good for you!

I’m in my thirties, and there are people my age acting older mainly because they don’t incorporate any sort of cardio, strength training, or flexibility training into their lifestyles. Practical advise from someone much older can be very motivating. Thanks!

I started lifting weights a few months ago and have been doing it fairly consistently and I’m amazed at how my body and form has changed in such a short time. I feel great and for once, I’ve found an exercise that I truly enjoy. I’m going to start adding a small amount of cardio to hopefully help me lose more fat but

Fabulous! I’m going to use this story to motivate my whiney pals.

As an antique dealer, she might have had access to some old school ones with good, solid twine or chains. Or cursed. Maybe just cursed.

I feel like most 77 year olds are fitter than I am. I once stood in the yard chatting with my 90 year old neighbour and by the end of it I was leaning on the wall because my bad back was playing up so awfully. And she was all ‘Right, I have to go vacuum my entire house’ and I just went inside and took a nap.

<—- Me whenever old people talk lovingly about their spouses, whether alive or dead. Gad I just can't handle it.

60 pills per day! Whoa!

CrossFit is like the Scientology of exercise.

I’m gonna be that person today.

I am suitably ashamed of my 43-year old self. I still don’t like gyms though. Once I move again, I will shuffle myself back to Planet Fitness because it’s cheap and people leave me alone.

side of santorum

Yes, I’d love to go! I dealt with someone just yesterday pondering why I, One Who Possesses a Vagina, would find poop funny—and they were a small-minded fool. Poop is glorious. Let us all be one with poop.


Is this a band or an advertisement for Forever 21 or both