cats a'silenced by white liberals

my favorite is the one where is taking off her earrings takes me back.....

One of our local choir groups has gone down there every year since Katrina and says basically, they’ve polished up the tourist areas and left the poor neighborhoods to rot.

The population growth since Katrina is disproportionately white.

this is the most amazing thing ever pls post pictures rn

Hiya! Fatty here. I have a tattoo on the back of my fat arm that says ‘suck it’ underneath the image of a lollipop. I like to imagine people walking behind me and feeling judgy and reading it.


seriously, katrina decimated the city’s black population and so many still can’t return. how fucking out of touch and ignorant do you have to be to refer to it as a “reset” and “rebirth”... and then wish for the same, in chicago, of all places!

Yeah I read this and was like

I know, man. I’m fuming here. She’s trying to use a catastropic disaster as some kind of bullshit cleansing rain metaphor. And the idea that Katrina fixed the city’s problems in some kind of magical reset is laughable. Maybe she should have, you know, read one of a billion 10-year-anniversary Katrina think pieces

I think that doing something brave and good at one point in time does not preclude someone from being a rapist at another. He can be both.

As someone who lost family in Katrina, this lady can fuck herself. She’s just another out of touch white woman who laments the fact that poors and browns have the audacity to run shoulders with her.

Come on, she just stated (using dog whistles) what many white people in America believe:

Things would be better without the blacks and browns. They hold us back.
While not (yet) brave enough to try to get rid of these people themselves, they wish for a cleansing rain to wipe them away, while sparing them the guilt.

I think that’s exactly, what she wants.

THE FUCK?!? The population growth since Katrina is disproportionately white. The city has actually had a net loss of black residents, most of whom could not afford to come back and rebuild (or as she says, “reset.”) Because of what house stock was rehabbed (err...reset) and because of tourism to the city fueling Air

Absolutely. I am struck by the irony of someone who has made a name for himself by releasing classified information refusing to answer questions about his own conduct.

He can be both a paragon of transparency and a rapist the two things aren’t mutually exclusive

To prevent people from being held accountable for old crimes. I’m sure your state or country does as well. Some are quite short.

Erasing people of color, trans folks, and not casting actual LGBTQIA folks for characters that portray them is so ridiculous and shameful and indicative of how these people are treated generally in real life. This is a disaster.